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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. Link to group buy http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=32418
  2. Getting some interest. I want to go ahead with this asap They come in 2 sizes.....16mm and 22mm. You will need to measure your existing tow eye to get the right one. It seems if your car is 2002 - 2004 its 16mm and then 2005 onwards is 22mm. Colours come in Black, Red, Silver and Blue £36 shipped to your door Put your details as follows Report this post Reply with quote 1: Nurrish - Red - 22mm - PAID 2: Andy - Red - 16mm - PAID 3: fakeindian - Silver - TBC - PAID 4: rtbiscuit - Red - TBC 5: GT4 Zed - Red - 22mm - PAID 6: Lincolnbaggie - Silver - 16mm - PAID 7: Alessandro - Silver - 16mm - PAID 8. BRO-T - Red - TBC 9.Kris - Red - TBC - PAID
  3. I have contacted the seller i am going to start up a group buy
  4. maybe a group buy is in order?
  5. Any one know where to get one and what size im looking for? there are some on ebay usa but not been able to find a uk supplier
  6. LMAO!!!! This is the funniest product i have ever seen!!! this cant be serious
  7. Dam that is one bad ass line up brutal stuff
  8. Sweeet !! whats the date dude?
  9. I sold my bonnet 2 months ago and swapped it for a white one.......
  10. i could cry!!! where was you 2 months ago!!! i would of bitten your arm off
  11. Yeah there in my garage..... I've been kicking them around on the floor for quite some time now
  12. I havent yet But i will just screw the gauge pod housing down into the bottom
  13. I have the fuel pressure and boost gauge hidden in the cubby which i haven't shown
  14. My new way of doing it is much better for me no unsightly extra gauges randomly placed..... kept things looking stock.
  15. HAHAHAHA at the GTR badge on the red zed!!!! Who's he trying to kid!! Nice pics
  16. I dont get it you have a haltech......isn't that a replacement for the nissan ecu?
  17. Your talking very big money to get huge reliable power from a twin turbo.....other methods can be done reasonably though
  18. This thread needs more Vin Diesel
  19. Your first pm will be charged at £5 and then £3.50 per pm from then on
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