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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. I just thought eliminating the uprev will take the ecu back to stock which i assume then the utec will be able to do what its supposed to do without having to combat the extra parameters set by uprev.
  2. Can that be done with just having the ecu or would you need my car too? could you not just drive the car down and get it done properly? I could do yes. I could have the uprev deleted and get back to standard which should make the utec more incontrol of what its trying to do. Or go with uprev for the whole tune.....
  3. Can that be done with just having the ecu or would you need my car too?
  4. Is this something i could just send to you?
  5. Im sure i have a haltech down the side of my couch Im fine with everything....i could go and tune it now as pete is happy to put it on the dyno. But he just advised to see if i can sort out the misfire first just as a precaution....Im sure its something that can be ironed out once on the dyno and the tuning begins
  6. I have a feeling too that they are conflicting with each other and throwing out the fueling and timing....i have posted this issue over at my350z so i will see if someone can shed some light on it
  7. mmm and no detonation on standard ecu? Another suggestion is cleaning the maf as it has been sitting exposed for nearly 3 months....got a busy weekend ahead of me
  8. As i said before the car drives well and pulls like it should without much hesitance. Surly if something major has a foot i'd be running like a bag of nails.....having read lots and lots over at my350z this error is really common in FI to the extent some people ignore and tune it into the map. Obviously i want eliminate all possibilities and once im happy its back on with the tuning
  9. 1: Nurrish - Red - 22mm - PAID 2: Andy - Red - 16mm - PAID 3: fakeindian -Red - TBC 4: rtbiscuit - Red - TBC 5: GT4 Zed - Red - 22mm 6: Lincolnbaggie - Silver - 16mm - PAID 7: Alessandro - Silver - 16mm - PAID 8. BRO-T - Red - TBC 9.Kris - Red - TBC
  10. Did some diagnostics on my car just now I can safely say the utec is NOT at fault. My car threw error code p0300 "multiple cylinder misfire" on the standard ecu So i cleared the code and reconnected my utec. I went for a little drive just to see how it felt. It pulls like it use to (s/c not connected) and i feels more than capable. i got passed 3000 rpm and then it threw the cell again. I now have constant fuel pressure and I am quite relieved as it could be just a simple issue of getting more capable spark plugs or clearing out the injectors. The exhaust is a bit bubbly but im sure that is just the excess of over fueling
  11. 1: Nurrish - Red - 22mm 2: Andy - Red - 16mm - PAID 3: fakeindian -Red - TBC 4: rtbiscuit - Red - TBC 5: GT4 Zed - Red - 22mm 6: Lincolnbaggie - Silver - 16mm - PAID 7: Alessandro - Silver - 16mm 8. BRO-T - Red - TBC 9.Kris - Red - TBC
  12. Please send payments to davidnurrish@blueyonder.co.uk Put your username in with the notes. Also send as a gift payment
  13. There are the ones that they produce....you could paint it your self if you wanted a custom colour as it wouldn't cost that much
  14. Here is what i have received from pete @ thor. This could be a number of reasons causing this.....car being stood still for over 2 months, injectors sticking etc.......i need to go along each step and get to the problem... that is if my car is still doing the same on my standard ecu that is Found a useful pic
  15. As soon as i get 10 i will put the order across. It should be done within about 7 - 10 days
  16. I will find out tonight whether my car works fine on the standard ecu.....if it does then utec is the problem.....ians car has already proved this but if i prove it then we have 2 cars that have done the same on US utec's
  17. 1: Nurrish - Red - 22mm 2: Andy - Red - 16mm 3: fakeindian -Red - TBC 4: rtbiscuit - Red - TBC 5: GT4 Zed - Red - 22mm 6: Lincolnbaggie - Silver - 16mm - PAID 7: Alessandro - Silver - 16mm 8. BRO-T - Red - TBC
  18. 2 more then we shall go ahead I will start pm'ing people for payments
  19. Why not? Its already been proven that the us utec doesnt work on jdm cars so its entirely possible Where is that info mate?
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