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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. I brought a set from here http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/20-x-Black-Alloy-Wheel-Tuner-Nuts-NISSAN-SUZUKI-SUBARU_W0QQitemZ250569778042QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Cars_Parts_Vehicles_Wheels_tyres_Trim_Nuts_ET?hash=item3a571f637a They come with tool to tighten them up.......however no locking nut......but then again i dont need them because i cant see anyone wanting to steal my wheels
  2. This was way back in the middle of last year mark before he had it mapped
  3. Definitely not whp! Bennett (GT4 zed ) had his gt4 dyno'd and got around 283 at the fly ......OP would of had to spent some serious money to get 304 whp!!! Your talking cams, fd, headers etc......
  4. Look forward to seeing your progress
  5. I did yeah......if you can get a 90 degree one i'd go for that as it would make it easier....just wait till you see
  6. Ive got straight connectors on mine.......
  7. Also these are the ones that only 75 import cars have
  8. You spent £1500 on a spy camera !!!! just think what you could of done to your zed for that money
  9. Walking a fine line liam
  10. Yeah i need a camera that doesn't show red as f%cking pink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't worry matey me and grant have got a little something for you at the next meet Errrr let me guess.................barbie doll
  11. Yeah i need a camera that doesn't show red as f%cking pink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Car looks awesome!!! Top work to the boys again!
  13. Damn Straight! Getting tyres fitted this week and pics will be going up asap!
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