shall have to go out for blast matey as my car will be on the road for the weekend
Don't be a looney when you are out here
Actually come and pick me up so i could be your wing man I know some nice roads to bed those babies in
I told you before mate you ain't getting no photo's of me in the nude!!!!!! No matter what you say it just ain't going to happen!!!
i pre heated for 5 mins on 230.......put my headlight in as far as it could go and kept on eye on it for about 5 minutes....i turned it around in the oven and proceeded to prise the headlight apart...
You must remove all fittings before going in.
Got another quiz night tonight and my subject is crime....i have a few but i really am struggling to come up with 12....
Any help will be greatly received
My car wont be attending unfortunately
Still have my headlights in half and no rear brakes Not enough hours in the day! Why must society make me work
I really thought i would of have had it wrapped up before Saturday
Once again CS has impressed me with his turn around and excellent service...Time after time CS ALWAYS comes through and is always in touch. With my brakes the original lead time on them was i think 10 weeks! CS pulled some strings and got them to me just shy of 5 weeks
He also hooked me up with some rear brembo discs and pads plus hel lines.