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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. From what i gathered when i installed my headunit is if your looking to use the stock speakers its going to sound a bit pants and that the bose speakers have a different ohmage. So you may need to think about upgrading those stock speakers as i did.
  2. Im a computer engineer and i use my car for business. I get a car allowance and then i can claim 25p a mile. So whenever i do a long journey my petrol is covered and usually end up making some money too. Only downside is that i'm unable to carry large equipment which could be a sticky point in the future. I use my day to day and everyday i look forward to my journey to and from work!! If your looking to keep your zed for a long time then i'd say go for it....But you should make sure it will fulfill your needs and be suitable as it could end up being a very costly mistake....Fun.... But very costly
  3. hehehe check this out http://www.cars.com/go/search/detail.jsp;?tracktype=usedcc&searchType=21&pageNumber=0&numResultsPerPage=50&largeNumResultsPerPage=0&sortorder=descending&sortfield=PRICE+descending&certifiedOnly=false&criteria=K-%7cE-%7cM-_36_%7cD-_6068_%7cN-N%7cR-150%7cI-1%2c7%7cP-PRICE+descending%7cQ-descending%7cZ-22903&aff=national&paId=136533715&recnum=29&leadExists=true
  4. So yesteday i had a job to do in london.... No big deal i know.....But this was the first time i had been to london in my zed. But bugger me side ways!!! it was like i was driving a massive yellow banana!!!!!! People stopping and pointing....People staring and shouting!! one guy nearly got out of his window just to look at my car!!!! All in all a very strange and bizzare trip!!!!!! Not sure if i enjoyed the over the top appreciation of my car....felt a bit awkward at times!!! But i did come away with a massive grin on my face!!!! Zed Rocks baby!!!!!
  5. they will be....i haven't gotten that far yet. Removed the sub because it was easy to get out. Placed the replacement sub in but the holes dont quite line up so i just need to modify it a bit
  6. Stage 1 complete: Installed head unit and wired it up to my screen/gps (see my preivious install ) Here are some pics HAHAHAHAH This is the sub from the Super BOSE SYSTEM!!!!!! Thats a dvd playing on the screen from my head unit. Also when playing CD/MP3's it come up with playlists showing artist and titles. Which is nice.
  7. Hmmmmmmmm im undecided
  8. Well i said to my self i wasn't going to do this step......... But i listened to the evil voices in my little head and cranked it right up!!! What i have got coming tomorrow (with all the right adapters plus facia) http://www.kenwood-electronics.co.uk/products/car/multimedia/multimedia/KDV-7241Y/ This is going to compliment my previous sat nav install in the cubby by outputting to the screen so i can easily browse though my music from my ipod. Then came the amp http://www.justkenwood.co.uk/stock01/kac8404.asp Then i needed speakers!!!! back and front http://www.justkenwood.co.uk/speakers01/kfcps170.asp Then to finish it off was this sub http://www.justkenwood.co.uk/speakers01/kfcw2511.asp Also should be receiving my jwt pop charger this week toooooo!!!
  9. so what is this Alcantera you speak of????
  10. Check This out http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Nissan-350Z-350-Z-03-2003-04-2004-05-2005-Dash-Trim-Kit_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1742Q2em153Q2el1262QQcategoryZ40017QQihZ010QQitemZ200257712025 Would you think it would be a bit OTT to do the orange to match the orange seats in my gun metal z??? Cant see it in my mind wether it'll look good/unique or shockingly awful
  11. O i see. The unit comes standard but i have modified the gps software which is now alot better. Yeah it has the fm transmitter and you would be suprised at the quality of it!
  12. It will be properly fitted if thats what you mean. The line out in the end wasnt a problem because the fm transmitter is just fine. If your interested mate you could always come and look at it and see how it works.
  13. Would anybody be willing to pay for this? Id be looking to sell the unit including the cubby hole. Would you say £400 shipped would be reasonable? Simple solution for someone
  14. Hi, Ive actually been tinkering with this today looking to see is i can get to the wince desktop....Its actually quite difficult. The only way to get to the system files is by loading up file manager on the device (this in its self requires you to tinker with some files) and the unhiding them. Theres no explorer.exe from what i can see and its a very customised wince build. From what i have been reading the only way to open up to a full wince desktop is to flash it using custom cables and a custom rom. I will strive on and let you know of any developments.
  15. Ive seen this too!!! Mans4 B i think it was.
  16. Its Igo 8 with latest 2008 maps. It also renders in 3D and it looks fantastic. Speed camera warnings too!!! Also in does 3d buildings for places like london!! Its a great user interface and looks the muts nuts!!! Certainly looks swish Yeah.....Im out on the wales meet up so if your around come and have a look
  17. Its Igo 8 with latest 2008 maps. It also renders in 3D and it looks fantastic. Speed camera warnings too!!! Also in does 3d buildings for places like london!! Its a great user interface and looks the muts nuts!!!
  18. hahahaahahahahahahahahahaahahaha its currently coming from its onboard speaker which is quite good. will wire it in later
  19. Well here it is fully installed..... also a video of it in action...bit shaky http://tinypic.com/player.php?v=2rwp5r7&s=4
  20. I have an 05 z so i brought the cubby hole from a 03 z. The unit it self is £113.00 shipped directly from china. Then its really just man hours. But because i work in a PC workshop i have had alot of tools and bits at my disposable. When im finished im looking to write up a full detailed guide
  21. No need mate as it has its own batteries on board.....Im good to run it for a bout an hour before it cuts out.... It also enters sleep mode after so many minutes of inactivity so all i do is press the switch i installed and within a second it all comes to life
  22. More pics Installed switch Extended the GPS Ariel and the speaker Theres no sat nav here.....honest..... Igo 8 operating with the latest maps Paired with my iphone perfectly....extended the mic too which will be right by the steering wheel I installed a push switch out of an old pc to power on the device and to turn off / put into sleep mode Here is the guts.....a bit plastic fantastic but it does the job and nobody will seee it
  23. You may have a little business going !!! Would be interested in seeing some pics of the video quality if you can So have you cut into the 12v at the back or you just popping the lead out from the trim and then using the included adapter? Do the adapters stay "live" when you take the keys out and lock the car? Careful mounting the iphone in the ash tray, you will keep knocking it when you change gear! I think someone does a mount that fits to the left of the centre console... Shame you cant get the ipod control on the screen as it is touch screen... If its CE someone must have created a little prog like the ones you get on the Alpine / Pioneer... Oh, what did you use to "fix" the screen? I just used the included adapter which plugs into the front and its cable tucked up and pushed into the cubby hole. Looks nice to be honest as you cant see any cables just a bit of the adapter. Once the ignition is turned off the power cuts off too. I will get a picture up of what it looks like. Yeah you may be right about the ipod mount in the ash tray will look into the alternative places. I will have the ipod controls on the screen and also the artwork which is displayed on my iphone. I would just need to use the apple remote control to skip track. Also going to wire the sound in so that it works whilst using the navigation settings!!! I know all this sounds pretty ambitious but this is my area of expertise!!! For the screen i used "Strong as nails" which is like a silicone but stronger. Will keep it in place
  24. video in is any composite source....so video console, reverse cam whatever really I only got it today and the first thing i did was rip it open Powering it by the 12v cigarette lighter Going to look even better when im finished. Going to mount an ipod dock in the ash tray with the composite leads going into the screen. Then i can control my iphone music with the supplied remote control. Just need to get it altogether and hopefully i will have a pretty neat setup
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