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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. check this out buuuuuudy http://www.contracthireandleasing.com/cars/BMW/3-Series_Touring/ You need to put down a hefty deposit though as your initial payment...usual 3 months in 1
  2. The biggest pitfall is that you get board of the car and your stuck with it! or pay off the rest of the lease (which i did) because i couldn't wait another year to get my zed!!! Theres no point having the servicing in there because on new cars very little should need doing. Unless of course you are thinking of leasing for long term. Also the car is never yours and i was always worried of something happening to it and then being screwed down the japs eye by my lease company!!! Other than that can be ideal for some people
  3. Seems like motordyne is the way forward This is what my GF is buying me for christmas Cheers folks
  4. anyone know the difference Skunk2 Plenum Spacer - £160.00 http://www.jdmperformance.co.uk/item_detail.php?prodID=52357 Motordyne 5/16" ISO Thermal Plenum Spacer - £181.00 http://z-store.co.uk/index.cfm?fuseaction=product.display&product_ID=8475&ParentCat=28 Im asking to see if i can save some £££Â£'s Any suggestions would be appreciated
  5. churchhill just down the road from there where do you work im at magna intier automotive Im at indecs group..we do computer support
  6. Welcome buddy. I love florida!! Its my second home!! I have a house in kissimmee. I love tampa too in fact last month i past through there on my way too clearwater!! Beautiful place!!! ****Shameless Advertising Warning******* http://WWW.KISSIMMEEVILLASRUS.COM
  7. Lucky Lucky man, going round my girlfriends for x-mas this year, and keep saying to her lets buy a wii, for her parents, just so we can use it x-mas day and maybe have it when there bored with it, , but no luck as of yet O great so you'll be getting it on xmas night cuz it gets boring very quickly
  8. Im sorry but the one where the car flips hollywood style is a bit OTT
  9. Welcome aboard KC350Z. Where abouts in redditch are you? I work on north moons moat industrial estate!
  10. Im pleased your happy with them Jay , Be sure to post some pics up, and we do stock plenty of other carbon items for the 350z, if your intrested ........ Please detail your further carbon products
  11. They do fit quite well...i'll get some pics up with the round edges
  12. Well they cost £65 but they came from Taiwan and i got stung with custom charges!!!
  13. Just overlay. Stick on the double sticky then just place over the top. feels well stuck on.
  14. Got these off ebay Probably could of got a better fit Goes quite well me thinks
  15. Hmmm so your suggesting she has tendencies towards chimps??
  16. The pillars come off quite easy. Just dont be scared to pull them and they will come off.
  17. Hahaha true true Im good with time Red lion is past coventry infact 22 miles from solihull
  18. To be honest i think the pub off the A45 has a much better meeting place and has a much bigger car park compare them: this is the toby jug off the A45 http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=solihull&sll=41.560747,-72.80262&sspn=0.090426,0.220757&ie=UTF8&ll=52.446025,-1.688461&spn=0.001151,0.003449&t=h&z=18 Red lion http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=solihull&sll=41.560747,-72.80262&sspn=0.090426,0.220757&ie=UTF8&ll=52.424155,-1.44511&spn=0.001151,0.003449&t=h&z=18 i know which id pick
  19. OK this is now sold but the guy who brought it wants the security code when i ship it. Steve3000 - Do you know of anywhere that does this procedure? or can i find it out at a nissan dealership?
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