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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. Well here is a man with a MASSIVE ****
  2. You heard shinedowns version? Im a massive shinedown fan http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=e5gvSzbSMNg
  3. Nice motor mate. But its time to get a zed mate so we can cruise all the way down the Stratford road in tandem :lol: Show the chavs that hang in aldi's carpark some real cars :lol:
  4. yeah buddy i gave you a wave if you could see. yeah i just saw his headlights
  5. A move from the US to the UK!!!!! that's the craziest thing i have ever heard!! This country is on a massive downward spiral!! at least the US has an inspirational president to get the country moving!! what do you have you ask.....we have a sad pathetic old man well into his senile age and showing signs of demensa. America is my second home and i would love to live there. Also compare the prices of zeds from here to over there!! Then there's the fuel!!not to mention the cost of living!! But after saying all that there are places over here which are quite staggering. Btw..........................welcome and nice zed you have there
  6. legend!! Simple man is one of my favourite songs.
  7. yeah what a babe!!!!!! she had her day now she is just a skanky dyke
  8. It makes my eyes hurt so much
  9. Yeah very funny stuff, have been watching for sometime now
  10. Lets just hope you keep it a long time then because i am doubtful of the re saleability of it.......But if it makes you happy then nothing will stop you
  11. Ahhhhh so she has been done before.....and by stew....mans knows his babes!! i bow down
  12. Stew enough of your wanna be babes! time for some real babes!!
  13. whats the weather like over there now?
  14. Think i just threw up a little in my mouth!!! :scare:
  15. in general how long do the ebc redstuff pads last for under normal day to day driving? Would be looking at next Saturday (7th feb) mate. Could you just deliver them to the garage if its easier and to save on the postage costs.
  16. Very good prices. So for the brake pad install would it be a drive in and have the pads changed there and then? does he do it on the weekends? would be looking to finally get some pads off buddy
  17. Nothing to worry about over here
  18. this is the only thread men can complete each other's knobs and not be labelled homosexual
  19. Where is this track you speak of mate?
  20. hah fair enough But that ad sounds like it was written by a 4 year old
  21. Seriously look at this ad The seller keeps on putting it up and have seen it for quite some time now why doesn't he take the hint!! Also a point to anyone that can spot the nismo kit http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NISSAN-350Z-GT-2004_W0QQitemZ230322252091QQihZ013QQcategoryZ18238QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItem
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