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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. I take your point....but if a topic is clearly stated that its a women and may contain sexiness if it offended them they wouldn't click on it right?
  2. Cuz the babes section has been deleted cuz we have 4 women on here now *shakes fist* But the lady in question gets a thumbs up
  3. Words cannot describe how bad ass your car is
  4. try one of these http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/New-Ground-Loop-Isolator-car-audio-noise-suppressor_W0QQitemZ360136324054QQihZ023QQcategoryZ1498QQtcZphotoQQcmdZViewItem I had some problems with my sound and this sorted it right out
  5. Well i have always wanted to have a go on one of the inflatable slides maybe he felt the same way
  6. Beginning to wonder which way your tendancy sways Nurrish i thought it would of been obvious by now.....but i can kinda see where your coming from with the gtr hump and all.....
  7. +1, get the z centre caps and spray black, keeping the silver z Good idea where was you yesterday! i could of saved 7 quid
  8. Understood there out of here!!!!!!!!
  9. What you think?? keep or get rid I Apologise for my dirty wheels
  10. Is it the first gen or second gen?
  11. This Nismo spoiler is made to fit all Nissan 350z Models from 2003 upwards. If it doesn't you have a valid reason to return
  12. Bargin for someone http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350Z-Nismo-Style-Rear-Boot-Spoiler_W0QQitemZ260371326913QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM?hash=item260371326913&_trksid=p4634.c0.m14
  13. Says Nurrish with his GTR humping avatar I think he meant himself Yup, you sure do. Everything else you go back to drive just feels slow and unresponsive! Never quite get used to the parking though, cant chuck it in spaces like my old cars. Think I need some parking sensors and reverse park it everywhere
  14. And now for something totally off topic (as this thread is just plain bonkers)
  15. This place can be very helpful and anything your not sure of just post a question and people are always at hand to help... Word of warning......It can get a bit strange on here at times (not naming names) but its all good natured banter
  16. HAHAHA i nearly wet myself when i saw this!!
  17. Fair do's I will keep my jokes to my self now then
  18. Oooh, you just wait for Nixy and Bronzee to be along with their slap smilies! Well i don't mind doing some of myself in a thong on my zed
  19. Also lets be honest none of you woke up this morning and expected to see a goofy guy humping a GTR
  20. :lol: Geeeeez man its like you know me so well
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