I shall have a look.....but just a thinking when the car unlocks the indicators flash(i think) so maybe this could be the way. By the way chris i brought a odb II adapter just wondering do you have yours plugged in all the time? Dont have my car at the moment but from the looks of it, it looks like it could pertrude a bit to much and get in the way....is that right or is it ok.
Get yourself the service manual if you havent already. In section "BODY, LOCK & SECURITY SYSTEM" it tells you the pins of the BCM that are used. Sounds like it has permenant live and selective earth which could make it an arse to get it to trigger the PSU.
For the OBD, I took the case off the plug and wrapped what was left in leccy tape. Made it nice and slim line. If you leave it as it is, it pertrudes out of the dash quite a bit.
yeah thats what i thought from looking at the connector.
Shall rip it apart