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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. Yeah its just like seeing a half eaten kebab and chips in the bin after a night on the town.......such a waste
  2. Fingers crossed for a retractable metal roof
  3. Why would nissan have to crush there press car?? that makes no sense at all
  4. I thought brembo was just the caliper and then the discs are just standard discs? therfore the ebc will be better than the standard nissan setup with brembo's
  5. What great control from the guy that got rammed up the rear!!!
  6. tail lights? i thought he was down with head lights....
  7. great stuff surly your new avatar
  8. Not sure if these will interest anyone but i have them going spare. Any takers? £50.00 maybe?
  9. So i watched marley and me last night and this came on during the film. Found it unusual but i like it.....any Nirvana fans like? http://www.pigeonsandplanes.com/2009/02/bruce-lash-lithium-nirvana-cover.html
  10. i live about 3 miles from that house i know exactly which one you mean.
  11. If we can get 5 signed up we will look to get the ball rolling straight away.
  12. Why don't we get a list going so then we can get numbers and then me and Bennett can start the manufacturing process Please list name underneath .....................................
  13. You can connect an ipod to the unit but it transmits the sound over fm to your stereo. The card will hopefully be relocated to a accessible place.
  14. This can be used as a standalone mp3 player but also you can put it into any tape player and it will play the music stored on the memory card...... http://www.chinavasion.com/product_info.php/pName/cassette-mp3-player-deluxe-edition-car-cassette-mp3/
  15. I bet you will get some strange looks if you announce your going to take nigel for a ride Welcome by the way
  16. Calculate the amount of dry days we have to wet days +1 coupes all the way
  17. Mad props to you dude looks like it could be truly awesome
  18. Yeah, but a legal plate of ON03 SOZ isn't going to look that good I saw it on his car and it actually is how it is on the website......
  19. Post up the PM here CS as im sure alot of people who are local would like to know the total costs involved. I for one will finally be looking at this soon and you know who im coming too
  20. how about this one http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/O-NO-350Z_W0QQitemZ200327294484QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM?hash=item200327294484&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1683%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318
  21. I'd consider the carbon fiber look but i would of been looking at £1800 + for what i wanted so compare that to the £400.00 what iv'e paid (I haven't even paid its a birthday present from the mr's and mum and dad) Maybe in the future id go carbon fiber bottom half
  22. Thats the next stage mate P.S I appreciate all your comments keep em coming But i honestly think when the pillars and the mirrors are back on it will win some of you over if not i shall be having my own wales meet on me tod Also i did know that this isn't going to be everyones cup of tea but who dares wins aye???
  23. Its alright mate i knew it wouldn't be everyones taste but i did it to suit my tastes. I dont mind your views Once i've got it back ian we will meet up and you can go over it with a tooth combe my uncles garage is in yardley
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