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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. Where's that?? I'll get mine done on Fri if thats the kinda price Washford powder coating in redditch. They cost £35 a wheel but he would do them for £30 a wheel for me Only thing is though you need to get the tyres removed...
  2. Having recently bought a set of GT4 alloy wheels i really need one of the wheels refurbing as its badly kerbed and paint is flaking away. Wheels had been previously been powdercoated at lab tab in birmingham. I visited there today and got a quote of £70 +vat for the 1 wheel. I then found of local place to my work and they said they couldn't match the colour. But said they could redo all 4 wheels for £120.00 This is an example which struck me.... So would it make sense to do all 4 in this new colour???
  3. But at a reduced level but maybe i can get extra bright replacement lamps?
  4. Light shine's through them
  5. What Ya'll Reckon http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2006-56-NISSAN-350Z-GT-BLACK-LEATHER-6-SPEED-MANUAL_W0QQitemZ260396117625QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAutomobiles_UK?hash=item260396117625&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1683%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318
  6. Yeah cheers ian i think they have totally changed the look. Looking at the compare of my before and after i can't believe how different it looks....Goes to show how alloys can totally change the zed
  7. yeah 20mm all round courtesy of CS
  8. To Be honest i really love the colour they are now
  9. It was me http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=21841
  10. Well it was me that bought Richards (R800NER) GT4 Wheels Although one of the wheels is pretty badly kerbed to which i have to thank MarkW Also stuck in my blacked out tail lights Thanks Richard
  11. Screen shot or it didnt happen My best 253
  12. How about this then Hilton Park services Between junctions 10a and 11 M6 northbound All we need is a time
  13. + 1 Gazzillion you might as well strap a bra and panties on it and i'll be all over it like a rash !!
  14. Ok thats cool then maybe get some meeting somewhere on the m5 before the m6 just after the m42 junction........how about the service station before the m6 on the m5? that probably is the best most direct place for people
  15. +1 But a lot of stuff i would not be seen dead in I knew you swung more towards this......
  16. Very very very very Nice A few shockers though but overall
  17. There are other ways which i wont talk about on open forum
  18. did you pay off the full amount including the final payment, so end up paying more than the car is worth or some other figure? Well with my contract there wasn't a final payment sum it was just a regular month payment. But if i was to carry on with the contract at that point i would of had the option to buy it or give it back. At the time of deciding what to do i searched through pages and pages about how to get out of a pcp contract but all i came back with is paying it off is the only real option without landing your self in financial trouble
  19. I had over 12 months on a pcp plan and he only way out for me was to pay it off ......anything else is deemed dodgy if you know what i mean
  20. Well you, me and Ian all live relatively close so maybe we meet up then meet some of the outsiders further towards the M5. For instance Bennett (GT4Zed) lives in worcester so he would be coming up the M5. Us three could jump on the m42 and meet people somwhere north on the m5 before we hit the m6? Or go the other way around m42 M6.
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