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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. O my god she is soooooo cute!!!! Will defiantly fit in your boot too
  2. very good You know what i'd like to see??? well i think you can probably guess
  3. Spotted on the M42 pure class....well done to the driver made my day
  4. LMAO!!! bit of a difference Even still 9 days is pushing it
  5. Why not just to flame throwers......people would soon move out the way in a queue of traffic
  6. Make that 4, i'm off there on June 3rd as well for 90 days!!!!! Chris 90 DAYS!!!! I barley lasted a week
  7. Awesome dedication matey It will all be worth it
  8. My K1 isn't raspy at all....its just a real deep bellow.
  9. To be honest i am totally shocked at how close the match is even has the metallic speckles in there. If i didn't tell you it had been re sprayed you wouldn't even notice. but its a much better paint job than what nissan attempted the first time round
  10. Vents look cool in the body colour, I too would have lost the badge for a smoother look yeah thats what i really wanted to be honest but because the bumper is plastic the guys reckon when its got the filler in it would crack very easily. I have some idea's so watch this space But the body matching nostril's (thanx nixy) definitely tie things up on the bumper
  11. rather comical i think.......obviously voiced over
  12. Sorrry Nurrish, have been a way all week.....one of the wires in BLACK and the other is RED and GREEN. Cheers for the help Red and green is live and the black is negative
  13. I dropped my car at the body shop late yesterday and 9am this morning i got a call to say it was ready. Full bumper respray with vents moulded and sprayed £120 all in
  14. WTF!!!! Didn't know we had so many cross dresser's on the forum !! Its nice that you all found a place to come out together
  15. I think you need your hearing checked mate Seriously though when im driving i have to turn my stereo up to the point where its too loud
  16. But for the price £345 shipped from CS you can't fault the K1 (thats if you like your ears rumbling 10 minutes after the car has stopped)
  17. I fitted my K1 exhaust yesterday and i can say without any doubt once you fit that your friend in his Porsche will be weeping like a baby
  18. A set of carbon fibre eyelids £30 shipped Good condition here they are attached
  19. I have actually just dropped my car at my bodyshop. Having a complete front respray and having my air vents bonded on and sprayed in the same colour as my bumper...... Being done in the early hours tomorrow morning as a cash job......£120 all in Will be getting it back around lunch time tomorrow
  20. And no not in the 350z, but overall 350's are relatively 'quiet'. I used to get pulled in my integra with the same buddy club exhaust but thast was a fair bit louder. Also even then they didnt actually do anything... the car passed MOT so i dont think they actually can do anything. Ah thats cool then This is my first truly loud exhaust so the sound is all new to me......Loving it though
  21. Welcome aboard Pics of your zed asap
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