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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. Yeah thats the same one that i have its the K1 alright!!! Loving mine though Yeah let us know if you want it
  2. I have one i am getting rid of just check the thread below the pic
  3. Is it this that you need? http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=22789
  4. So no chance of fitting my APS TT kit i have just brought /joke
  5. I would be swinging by the local gun shop for a shot gun and 12 cartridges!!!!
  6. I prefer to apply lube to the head LMAO!!
  7. I will hold your nuts whilst ian can screw If we all take part it will be done in no time
  8. What is some little scrote bag decided to tear some off Would look crazy and probably cost a lot to put right
  9. +99 If anythink you should of paid to get your stereo fitted
  10. The biggest trouble i had so spelling the fricken car makers
  11. Come on richard These are very diy! save your self the doshers and do it your self
  12. Oooooo i thought you may have some one in the air filming the drive...........
  13. ooooo is this a nuget of whats in store for a surprise......or a religious metaphor
  14. Free if collected or i can ship for £25
  15. Yeah me too but i am sick of changing roms pretty much every day as new ones get released.....currently on wm 6.5 on my htc hd.... Looks like im going to check out the nokia n97 next as it looks sexier than a midget wearing a thong
  16. I tell you what........ It Dunarf look F'in sweet
  17. All the way for me I have it in mine and really sets off the interior.
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