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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. Well for me i did a trip to Cambridge today at at some points i was cruising at 70 and gettin 38mpg!!
  2. Well done buddy I do like the polished plenum though
  3. nurrish

    Sexy Rexy

    the gtr really is a monster
  4. This looks like its going to be an excellent turn out for the club and i am so looking forward to it 10 days to go!!! Looking like the weather is going to do us proud too
  5. I mean something like a K&N Typhoon CCA.....Not something out of the ordinary Anyhooo after a day of testing it seems to of made a difference. Definitely better throttle response and i have noticed a different note from my exhaust. Have also noticed it now has real urgency when lifting the clutch from standstill in first. Also pulls better in higher gears Overall i am very happy and feels like a different car now. So here is the finished install with engine cover (I know it could do with some bling factor and a clean but at the mo im sorting out performance and styling....bling to follow that )
  6. To me it sounding like he flipped you off......
  7. At the end of the day we were all newbies once and once you get into the swing of things you will soon be telling people that they need spacers and need it lowering
  8. nurrish

    Sexy Rexy

    Jeez Louise that NSX is drop dead sexy!!! I wanna be all up in that shiz.
  9. It does fit as it comes with big plastic washer....i put it on last night but took it off due to the adjustments but then couldn't be bothered to put it back on.
  10. I had a jwt popcharger but i took it off Looking for a true induction solution for the future
  11. Yeah thats how it is im afraid......could possibly just colour it in with a black felt tip pen
  12. I copied it mate. Can do you one if you want
  13. Thanks for all the comments Now do i put the nissan engine cover back on or leave it off???? Errr maybe back on as it looks a bit of a mess without and with my home made grounding kit
  14. Yeah not good!! especially as its a rare happening i'd be getting out my Stanley knife
  15. Keep your eyes peeled for the next few days as the final update and thread will be revealed.
  16. No lights as of yet. I got it for $260 + $80 shipping + £23.32 custom charges
  17. Hey 1960 called and they want there style back!!
  18. Yeah i had to just keep turning ever so slightly until i felt it tighten up enough without going to far....very delicate job
  19. I will see how it goes and may add some sealant at the weekend. Not really tested yet i have got a trip to Cambridge today so i will test it out properly.
  20. After having waited nearly three weeks for it to be delivered it finally arrived yesterday and that same night i installed it!! It was in fact quite a simple install but very time consuming making sure to follow every step of the procedure. Once installed i started it up and the engine stuttered and stalled......So i went round the bolts tightening them up once more....then started engine once more and it was stable but i had a very loud squealing noise ( air escaping )...... So i went round again and retightened all the bolts and left it over night. This morning i started the engine and wolla!! all fine....no air escaping, drove it to work without any hiccups. Looks quite smart too
  21. But beware as we was told in chester services by the law that i think it was 1st of june misrepresented and ilegal spacing of number plates will incur a £60 fine and 3 points
  22. But when was it first registered in this country Also if it is an import (square plate on the back) then its originally called a fiarlady Unless your steering wheel is on the left
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