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Everything posted by nurrish

  1. I hope you have somebody to rub in your cream, especially with your mankini! Don't think I want that short straw buddy Hmmmmm that sounds like an offer to me richard
  2. Every body remember to pack your sun cream!! I can see for see red lobsters all round if not!!! Its gonna be a scorcher!!
  3. Id say get them to give you an extended test drive in a 370z
  4. Ian and I had a 3 hour cleaning session on my drive this morning!! Both cars looking ready for tomorrow
  5. Well F@&K me sideways!! that looks very very nice
  6. I am going to give my car a right good seeing to tomorrow in preparation for sunday!! Bring it on!!
  7. +1. If you cant afford the initial outlay for a non damaged zed and your reasoning behind getting a damaged one is because its cheap. The zed is not for you. You need to take into consideration of the running costs, servicing costs and insurance costs. It soon becomes a very expensive luxury
  8. He lives off the m6 mate. He will be going down the m1 but we are travelling down the m40
  9. Looking good!! Cant wait to see it on sunday
  10. Me and ian will probably get there for 8:30....is there going to be carnage just trying to get in? or should it be fairly civil?
  11. "the first time i stared into your eyes through the windscreen of your zed" "i Knew the instant you revved your beefy v6 and backed up into me" "i want to polish you, i want to wax you, Please please please"
  12. About an hour with the right tools.... Lets turn it into a modding day
  13. You got anything else you want me to fit for you ian???
  14. In case you stick it in the gravel and they need to pull you out Aha make sense
  15. +1 my life has become a complete zed mess
  16. Also if its being delivered by parcel force they give you a nice £13.50 handling charge
  17. Possibly mate........I will see how it plays out...But if you go for it i may just have too
  18. Forecast for sunday!!!!!! No chance of rain and all the sunshine you can get http://uk.weather.com/weather/dailyDetails-Silverstone-UKXX1916?dayNum=3
  19. What time we leaving? shall we meet at mcdonalds for 7:00?
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