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Everything posted by Hodgson

  1. Alright Ho hows it going bud. Well ive been promising some pics of the Zed and my Supra but since this post its absolutely chucked it down with rain so havnt had a chance to wash the Z and get some pics up. Anyways heres a pic of my supra build engine bay as it is now folks. Hopefully will be somewhere near firing it up over the next couple of weeks or as near as damn it. Built the whole car myself from the ground up. So far its taken 7 months.
  2. Hi Folks Im looking for the above please seems my lovely wife decided to put a nasty scrape in it right into the plastic, so thought id just replace the whole thing. Thanks in advance John
  3. Thanks for the warm welcome folks. Ill stick some pics up of the Z and some project pics of the supra when I get 5 mins. Cheers John
  4. Thought I'd just say Hi again. I joined a while back maybe 2 years ago when I was looking to buy a Z but due to 1 thing or another it didn't happen. I am now (well my wife is now lol) a proud owner of a UK spec 350Z roadster with GT pack and loving it. I'm a supra owner myself and currently have a huge project on the go. There's some awesome Z's on here and I'm looking forward to picking your brains. Anyways enough rabble from me. It's good to meet you all. John
  5. Hi Kevin fancy seeing you here LOL. Those wings look the biz, I love um. Ill be joining the gang soon hopefully with a Supra and a 350z. keep up the good work.
  6. The whole car is as just as impressive with out blowing my own trumpet of course lol. I put bout 15k into the car in the last 18 months getting just right. I will be showing it at thr Rising Sun car show on the 10th and 11th of May if you have a tand there. I will be there s a part of Jap north east as im a moderator on the site. I cant want to testdrive the Z now, I was down the garage today chatting to him about a few things its like christmas eve to me hehehe.
  7. My user name is because of the engine bay in my Supra heres a picy. its running around 450 bph at min. i'll get some pics of the r up as soon as the weather gets better as it doesnt come out in the rain lol.
  8. Cheers for the advice guys. Ive done a bit of research on here about the differences between the models and what to look for when checking the car out, cheers for the offer Big Phil, I may take you up on that mate thanks. I'll go and test drive it tomorrow and let you know what the plan is from there. Its going to be for my wife really as i have a Supra, (well she thinks it for her LOL). I know its not to everyones tste but i do really like the styling on the car apart from the spoiler, but i suppose everyone to there own.
  9. Hi There I wonder if you all could help. Im looking to buy a 350Z soon and am going to test drive this one tomorrow (see linky). http://vineplace.co.uk/#/z33014693/4528257669 Could any of you tell what model it is and your opinions on the car in general please. Dont worry the stupid spoiler will be coming off. Its an import and I know it not an ST as it doesnt have leather but thats as much as ican tell you until I get to the garge tomorrow. Id appreciate any help you could give me. Cheers.http://[/url]
  10. Hi There Chaps and chapetts Just joined today. I am currently a Supra owner and also looking to buy a 350Z. As soon I purchase 1 i'll get some pics posted. nice to meet you all In advance odviously hehehe.
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