So it looks like when i order my springs i need spacers aswell OK so do i go for the 25mm rear and 20mm fronts or 25 25 both sets ?? AND when i upgrade to 19's will the wheels then poke out to much ?? Advice needed chaps,
I just renewed my policy but the bloke could not understand what model z i drove
When i was phoneing around i kept being asked was it just a 350 or 350GT ?. Now before you say i know its not a GT4 so i said it is just a 350z but it has a GT pack and that confused him even more and me so i had to list what extras the GT pack comes with to get my cover to start as mine is not listed on the computer
Has this happend to anyone else ??
Love those wheels. The picture of both showing the width of the tyres are amazing.
Can you take a photo from behind to show how wide the tyres/car looks now