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Everything posted by Pimm

  1. Superfast delivery of my yellowstuff pads, fitted within minutes of them landing Just need to sortout a y pipe and exhaust now
  2. Really nice pics mate I feel hungry now though
  3. Soooo many post's recently with problems with the iphone's get yourself a blackberry Happy Days
  4. Pimm

    Fuming !!!!

    +1 Exactly what happend to me
  5. Iphones with the 3g does not work period BUT the new iphone 4 and the newer software 4 on your older 3G will work perfectly. Happy Days
  6. Bluetooth Adapters, simple way to be handsfree
  7. I like to keep my alloy's as clean as possible but I need new pads and relised they have a high dust rating. Are they that bad ? I know it is all about stopping power how do they compare to Ferodos as in brake dust ? Cheers
  8. I am at work and watched the whole vid(no sound) amazing fun. It was great when you managed to over take the first car and then paired up with the other one that got flagged for not moving over quick enough to let the super cars past and then you got him on the straight at the end Magic vid
  9. So many option's, one minute I want one thing and the next something else pop's up
  10. My brakes this morning started to make a tiny grinding noise from the back, I am surprised there was no warning light come on !! so I will be replacing them and the fronts as they also are very low. My choice i think will be yellow stuff as alot of other members are buying these. I will fit them myself, another 2 minute job My exhaust has a hole in it and sounds flat and rattles, on that note can this affect the tickover ?? I am looking at a scorpion and maybe upgrading the y pipe. I would like the HKS replica one on fleabay but not sure if i need the hassle of it being adjusted to fit the UK zed. All time and more money but thats life. Happy days
  11. PM replied. Every adapter I test before i send out, and to date I have never had one problem and I have sold many I am wondering if there is a problem with the cradle it is sitting into ?? lets hope when you have this meet on Fri/Sat it can be tested again at your end. Keep me up to date
  12. Pimm

    My New Shed!!

    Happy Days Needs lowereing and spacers though
  13. Love those pictures shame i missed it this year
  14. My adpater is still £65 if you are still interested
  15. How much are your bluetooth adapters these days Heath ? All depends on who's asking
  16. Mark, Is there in your opinon a general list of mods ie exhaust, popcharger/panel filters or anything you could give us a heads up that does give you a loss or not worth putting on your car?? and a positive list of stuff that has gains and worth putting on the car for example I have just got rid of my pop charger and got a K&N typoon with cold air feed, have I wasted my money or not ? oh and I will be coming to you soon for a remap. Cheers
  17. Hi Adrian, nice to hear from you matey. Nice to see you are still in to the motoring side of things your zed you sold so fast and then never heard from you again will you ever go back to one, maybe one day All the best
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