I'm sure the car would be perfect for many people. I like to drive using a lot if not all the potential of what I'm in and I can do that in my Z or Mel's £1000 MX-5. In the 2 hours with the R35, I did it for about 2 minutes.
Glad I'm not the only one to think this. Be supprised if you even got 2 minutes of full potential out of it
Seeing as it was on 1185 miles when I handed it back, then no. Gets optimisation service at 1200 which releases all the horses.
PIMM can tell you if it was fast enough in its current condition............
I have never been in a car so quick. What was nice is that I experienced the drive around were I live so I know all the roads and what speeds to take them at and how to approach them. This GTR was so fast that it was all over before we even got there if you understand what I mean.
I can drive my zed fast on my local roads and enjoy the twist and turns but this thing just swallowed everything up in its way.
I love the GTR and would of liked more time with it.
The size of the car does not bother me even though the back seats are pointless and I could have one as it would not be my daily car and it could be parked in the garage out of sight when not being used. I think if you gave it wings it would take you into space and back
I loved it and if I had the money I would buy one tomorrow