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Everything posted by Pimm

  1. just the simple phono, no charging. Wondering if a wire is touching together ? the phone does'nt shut down when i put headphones on just when it plugs into my bose unit
  2. I done this last year and works well sort of Every time i connect my htc desire to it, the phone turns off and i have to wait for it to power on again but works perfect after that. when i have finished and unplug the phone it does it again, turns off. This happens if the head unit is off and then powered on or off. Anyone else have this issue ??
  3. Obviously not in a hurry to sell it
  4. It all depends on why you sold the zed in the first place though i surpose. To many cars to pick from nowadays. I would have a different car for every day of the week if I had the dosh W
  5. I have had my zed over 3 years and want something else . I drive a 10 plate 1.3 dt corsa as my every day car and it is great. The last 6 months i have become board of the nissan and looked at a X5, my mate has one, Renault megane RS, nice to have a newer car ect......... but i have found a problem I was not using the zed enough and the last couple of weeks I have taken it to work and taken it out in the rain amazing car and massive looks. went to asda the other day and walking back to my zed, god it looks nothing else imo comes close to it for all round $$$$$$$$$$$$ Bottom line is this thread is exactly what i needed to read chaps
  6. Pimm

    My New Car

    you got my number(i hope)give me a ring when you have some time, i so want to see your new toy
  7. The husband drives a 400bhp new scooby if this is the zed I am thinking
  8. Top man, look forward in meeting you in the South West meets.
  9. Now that is crazy driving on the roads
  10. VXR,s are good tools, you need alot more power to move faster away from one. I over took a Saab the other week and I only just got past him but it was OK in the end. Lexx, do not panic about such behavior on the roads
  11. Pimm

    P3 required

    You can asked for a P3 premium service and that should cost £225 ish, I will dig out my receipt. That was with W.S.M dealers but the same price was also at Brsitol.
  12. Pimm

    My New Car

    As soon as you have that I am deffo coming over the bridge and having a look at your new toy Well done
  13. I need RRL to rise now things I need to buy
  14. Mike, that was my mates skyline, Alex known as special K. They are sponsored by protyres in Bristol. Very sorry for him whats gunna happen, i think the pro tyre chap was driving it. im sure its gunna have to be an insurance job. not to keen on the way they were hammering back the sill in the wheel arch tho. He is sponsored by protyre, Alex Khateeb is his name, really nice bloke also know his dad very well, plenty of dosh. Take a look at what he has done http://www.autoevolution.com/sport/a1gp ... ateeb.html
  15. Mike, that was my mates skyline, Alex known as special K. They are sponsored by protyres in Bristol. Very sorry for him
  16. Gutted I could not make this one but the pics are
  17. +1 Had my renewal and will be looking elsewhere this year. Must be something to do with you both getting older more risk ect...............
  18. Sounds wicked, should be great on the road.
  19. Went to the Auction this morning and a 370z 10 plate with 13,000 miles in black, couple a little marks on body but otherwise stunning condition never reached it's reserve of £19,900 but was bid up to £17,750. So if the fleet company makes enough money on there other cars that go through the ring then there is a good chance that the highest bidder will get there bid accepted God if I had the money I would of this morning been driving it home
  20. The top quality pictures really make this a great read
  21. I had a fantastic day . First time for me around a track so it took a while to relax into the passenger seat and enjoy the laps. Very impressed with the zed around the track, amazing how far you can push it and it holds very well. Captain has really got some good experience under his belt up at the Combe so it will be very interesting to see if the uprev will make a difference to his lap times. I recorded 5 different laps and pretty all much within a couple of seconds but what a difference they make if a clean lap is done. Looking forward to the next one as I will be there
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