I had amazing day around that track this was my first time and what fun driving the car to its max. I have owned my car for over 3 years and never gone around corners in it so hard until today, the grip was something else.
I did drive with the traction on but this only cut in on 3 sharp corners so i was able to plant the pedal hard whilst turning and then the car pulled hard as it straightend out, it was that or spin the back out. I will next time go and drive with the TC off but needed a day with it on to gain my experience.
There was this long right hand corner, super fast but by the end of the day i was able to go around without lifting off but whilst doing this a huge noise was coming from my mouth through the helmet aaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhh I had only managed to do this twice as the entry was so important, huge amounts of grip from my car. As Captain mentioned lifting off everytime yes I agree but it can be done flat out.
I will be doing another day in August if other members are intersted, well worth the experience.