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Everything posted by Pimm

  1. I love this thread, always admiring the views. I have just had to buy newer parts for my Giant Trance and was surprised how it all adds up but what a difference it has all made when riding. Loving the outdoors scene.
  2. +1 A massive playground of roads, you will love it.
  3. Pimm

    Finally a pic!

    A dry sunny dry, looks wicked.
  4. Thats the worst looking white van I have ever seen
  5. Just renewed my insurance on Friday with Chris Knott and all mods
  6. My car is also sorn until Monday when I will tax it. Not driven her since last year and just done 2000 miles since last MOT. cannot wait but will want better weather
  7. Thats sucks hope you get it all sorted out without any more hassle.
  8. Pimm

    Wrapping roof

    I think it looked really good Did you remove the door pillar surrounds like the guide? Is it advisable to tell the insurance company as well or is there no need to worry? didn't tell the insurance company, since it's not a power mod or anything like a body modification. Yes, also took A-Pillar covers off for easier wrapping I disagree, any change to your car from standard should be informed. I have heard insurance companies not paying out because a viper stripe was not mentioned when insuring a car, not inless viper stripes really do make your car go faster.
  9. Pimm

    Wrapping roof

    Only a 2 minute job I could do that
  10. I just renewed my policy with Chris Knott £534,with a few mods, 7ncb one previous accident 09, clean licence age 42 never bothered phoning around as last year they were the cheapest but could only get cheaper insurance if I had a massive excess.
  11. Been trading for about 4 months. Have to see if things dry up
  12. I hate personnal plates what's the point ehh !!
  13. Not done this but see where you are coming from. My first name is Heath, would love H3 ATH but it is unavailable, would be nice to see what offer it would take to sell it to me
  14. Mine is also sorn off but I am waiting until 1st May before letting her out.
  15. I have just found it even cheaper on Ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/300659250407? ... 1423.l2649 I have been robbed
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