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Everything posted by Pimm

  1. There is a post on this, removing the rear arm but i actually use mine alot.
  2. Why take pictures of other cars in the ad aswell pointless.
  3. Most shocking body kit fitted ever(previous post).
  4. A very nice result. How does it feel on the road though ??
  5. Fantastic pics what a lovely day it turned out to be, well done all.
  6. ok you may be right, but this Bristol mini meet will happen this year(i hope) LOL You have a good day and we will rearrange another day. Great weather in North Wales Looking at the pictures i seriously cannot believe you were in the same country
  7. Have a safe journey chaps, will look forward to the pics...
  8. ok you may be right, but this Bristol mini meet will happen this year(i hope) LOL You have a good day and we will rearrange another day.
  9. rain rain and more rain i was hoping that a few more people from this side of town would make it and that the rain would stay away. I know that the wales meet is on, not stepping on there toes but if only a few more people could make it from down here Ian, i am happy still to meet up at 1 o'clock, but on the same note it would be good to arrange again another time when more people can attend. What do you think ??
  10. I love these wheels and i wanted a set last week at the £1050 but this new price
  11. Not sure ?? could make it Mcdonalds across the way and then go to the mall car park
  12. They do look good again though i wish some of these members/traders were closer so i could have a look before i buy you understand it is nice to see some of this stuff in the flesh and have a chat for some good advice....
  13. What else is happening on the 5th then I'd love to come on the Wales run, but since i'm on holiday the week after I cant afford the petrol money I did look into the North Wales drive BUT still miles away for me i am affraid. I did hope that more people would turn up for a this mini meet but it does not really matter.
  14. I will have to keep my eye out for a top bird around the Cheddar area in a silver Z
  15. 84 for me The beer is the only slight problem i have, holding a pint whilst typing this out is a nightmare
  16. order one then I will be intouch with you next week for a order P.S Happy B-DAY
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