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Everything posted by chrisphillips

  1. I had a good quotation on the zed with my Mrs on the insurance as well. I have a sp 30 ticket (who hasn't these days) and I added Sarah who is a member of IAM and we got a good quote for business use as well for around £400 p/a Considering Sarah wrote her car off last year (no other vehicles involved) I don't think that is too bad but it could be better.
  2. What a good post. Can't believe that they spent 20k on that. I am a designer and I design logos branding for a living but this is the best one I have seen for a long time .. Why can't I get a contract like that
  3. Ha ha that's easy it just rubs off then a nice shower, but whatever you do don't get it in your eyes, if you do it will be more than likely a hospital visit as the plaster can burn really badly, and don't get it on your lips either
  4. Good on you. If you need any advice before the job please feel free to PM me and I will do my best to help
  5. Trust me Stew, it isn't fun. It's really hard work, unless it's a small wall. Now get on with your plastering
  6. Plastering And before anyone says, plastering, not getting plastered LOL I don't know how the professional plasterer's do it day in day out, very hard work. Anyway, did a 15 m2 ceiling and maybe tomorrow I will be able to feel my shoulder again and my fingers come to that. I have done quite a bit of plastering but I couldn't handle it every day, damn. Now time for a beer and relaxation DIY, gotta love it
  7. Thanks everyone, I wouldn't mind a aftermarket one, particularly nismo but I think I will go for the oem as I like it anyway. Cheers for all the links though, very helpfull. Chris
  8. Hi, my Z32 was a 93 import and was a lovely car to drive. I still miss it even after a year after selling it. When I get some spare cash I will buy another one to go with the 350z Very nice. Are 300's as plentiful in the UK as they still are in NZ? Hi mate, They are plentiful but mostly JDM, There are some good examples of UK spec ones around but not many. It took me over 6 months to find mine and I looked at over 20 cars until I found a good example.
  9. I didn't see the 4 owners bit. Speaks for itself really.
  10. I'm new to the forum so I thought I would ask. I need to find a nice new one and I would like it to be OEM. Anyone know who to contact or is it just a question of checking ebay. I know I can get one from nissan but I thought a trader on here may do them. Thanks, Chris
  11. However for the price of a TT with uprated internals you'd be looking at 2 - 3 times the price this car is for sale for I guess. I don't like the pluck a number game, I think it's misleading and very unprofessional. Absolutely, I agree. If you want it a bit more BHP the supercharger gives you more and is very good value. Going down the TT route is going to be very expensive, Im not sure what the internals of the 350z can take without upgrading, probably around 370? Anyway, I have already promised the Mrs not to modify the car so it will be kept totally stock.
  12. It is indeed total pie in the sky. How anyone can guess at the bhp figure and say that is just a pure chancer. Like Stew said it needs to be put dyno. The stage 1 stillen supercharger kit I think goes to around 350BHP @ the fly and the stage 3 gives out a max of 410BHP, and that doesn't take into account the state of the engine anyway. Don't quote me on this as I am only a noob! The bonnet is ugly, it spoils the lines of the car, personally I wouldn't touch it and would much prefer to go down the TT route with uprated internals.
  13. Looks like it is this one on ebay. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350Z-450-BHP-SUPERCHARGED_W0QQitemZ190217554820QQihZ009QQcategoryZ18238QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Chris
  14. Hi, my Z32 was a 93 import and was a lovely car to drive. I still miss it even after a year after selling it. When I get some spare cash I will buy another one to go with the 350z
  15. What a great forum and club, really warm welcome thanks everyone, glad to be part of it. Thanks, Chris
  16. I must be getting confused LOL. I was going by this page http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Nl1/Newsroo ... /DG_073093 I will give myself a No I'm probably confusing you. To clarify Up to 31/3/09 - if your Zed was registered before 23/2/06 = £210, after 23/3/06 £400. After 1/4/09 it will be £440 irrespective when registered. What you will pay because your V5 is wrong, I havn't a clue. Thats good clarification - I understand I will just have to wait to see if they take it by the v5 or not, either way, I'm not that bothered as I will still be driving a Zed. Cheers
  17. I must be getting confused LOL. I was going by this page http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Nl1/Newsroo ... /DG_073093 I will give myself a
  18. Thats my point. It probably is a typo but will that mean that under the 2009 rules it will be classed in a lower band because of what it says on their database and the v5 or will it just get lumped into a generic band and the figures they have on the database will just be ignored?
  19. LOL.. I used to go to a few meets with my 300zx so I'm sure I will attend a few local ones, it's a good excuse for a drive and a bit of a chat. I like the sound of the Wales meet especially the roads I will have a word with the Mrs and see if she would like a day out. Cheers for the heads up.
  20. I'm from Kidderminster in the West Midlands Went for a good drive on Saturday when I picked the car up and only saw one other 350z so I'm not sure how may are near me, not many I think.
  21. Hi all, Don't know about you lot but I am a bit confused about the 2009 road tax bands etc .. According to the DVLA I will be paying I think around the £440 mark which you can't do much about but my query is as follows: On my V5 and on vehicle info on the DVLA site my CO2 emmisions are 173g/km, unusual to say the least as the 350z ranges from 273g/km anyway are we all going to be lumped into one generic band or will it be taken from what they have in their database on a particular single vehicle. I am paying £170.00 /year at the moment. Just wondered if anyone could enlighten me. Thanks, Chris
  22. Just thought I would introduce myself. I have just bought my first 350z in azure blue GT and I really love it. Having previosly owned a 300zx TT I wanted to stick with the Z family. I am really impressed with the drive and the performance is good I have had a good look on the forum and have found some really interesting threads and the user guides section is brilliant. Will post some pics up when I get the chance to take some. All the best. Chris
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