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Everything posted by Lauben

  1. WOW I love the look! Also thoes rims are fab, were did you get them??
  2. WOW I only get about 390 miles out of a full tank in my civic. Looks like the 350Z is looking better every day
  3. Evning all, Ok ok before anyone says it I know this is a bit of a dumb question as we all drive differently and the road/routes we drive will differ too. But anyway How many miles did you get to your last full tank??? Thanks in advanced
  4. Nice very Nice........ Did you take the pic's??
  5. thanks for the updates all At the moment my hart is very much winning
  6. Thanks for all the help, I keep you all posted
  7. Thanks for the quick update Why do you bring me back to reality Chesterfield WHY!!!!! I know the fuel will be an issue, at the mo I am spending around £50 a week to fill my tank and do the 370 miles a week. So weekly fule cost £50 x 50 weeks worked = £2,500 On a weekly break down it's only an extra £5, so it SHOULD be ok My other idea was to buy an old one and then just put the miles on, I was not to worried about selling it afterwoods, as you always lose money on car I did look at a VERY nice new one, at the dealership who were talking to me about a leaseing agremment, which may be a way to go. But its a lot of £££ for a car you never own.
  8. Hello All, First off can I just start by saying what a great site this is  Now I am thinking of handing back my current car, an 06 diesel Honda Civic to the Honda/finance company bored now you see , and spending about £12,000 to £15,000 on getting one of the following:- S2000 VX220 350Z Now I have already kind of ruled out the VX220 on grounds of practicality, and so I went for a test drive in a new S2000 and a new 350Z last weekend and your be unsurprised to hear that so far the 350Z is winning hands down Now I have been looking through the past post and been able to use the info in the past post’s to deal with most of my own questions, which is great. But I still have one question that I can’t seem to answer and need you guys and gals help. You see I need to use this car as my daily driver and seeing as I do about 70-75 miles a day (mostly motorway) I was wondering if the 350Z was the best car for the job? I have read through the very useful post of the cost of doing 100,000 miles in a 350 and so far they don’t look too bad although 4 clutches does seem a bit worrying . I was also interested in, if the changes made in 2004 to the suspension had a big impact on driveability, most of the 350 that fall in my price range are either the JDM Fairlady Z’s or the early UK models. I don’t have a problem with getting a JDM but I would like to know if they handle the same as the new ones. Any comments or advice would be great and I would really appreciate any advice or guidance you can provide. Many thanks, Laurence
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