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Everything posted by Maccaman

  1. That is really great news, so onwards & upwards. Just goes to prove that you never know what's around the corner.
  2. IRC somebody reckoned it was false last time. The fact that the Zed is sitting perfectly balanced on the armco barrier.
  3. Hi & to the forum. Make sure you post some pics when you have the Zed.
  4. We currently have two even money favourites Keith Damn too late for a bet as now they are banned... Quick, somebody ring the Guiness Book of Records
  5. They sorted some of that out 2 or 3 years ago by having an amnesty on long term illegal residents Must have been where Nick Clegg got his idea from for the UK's illegals
  6. Really feel for you & your fiance. I have travelled to the USA at least once a year for the last 10 years with no problems (apart from once getting caught with to many cigarettes ) My eldest son lives & works out there and had to go through the process of obtaining his visa after the initial 18 month one expired. Never realised what a lottery it is. You get accepted from your application which, in the time it takes & the massive numbers involved, can only be from pulling out of a bag. He then had to go through the Embassy experience back here, successfully thank god, but the guy in the next booth was rejected. Coincidently I have just got an email telling me my ESTA travel authorisation expires in 30 days. The daft thing is you have to apply all over again & not just renew the expiring one Surely having had a record of you it would make sense to offer a renewal process.
  7. Happy Birthday, hope you have a fabulous day
  8. Love those moonlit shots of the Zeds & that sky is a fantastic backdrop As ever, great to see the Zed community coming together to help out another owner. Call me cynical though, would Nora Batty have got the same help?
  9. Welcome back Dave (as if you had ever gone away ) Well shall we open the betting on who causes the first rant?
  10. Hi Chris & to the forum. You obviously like your cars to have a bit of grunt
  11. Prefer it with the black front. 09 plate won't have the Premium Connect satnav etc.
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