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Everything posted by Maccaman

  1. Hi & to the forum. Any pics of that large array of cars would be very welcome.
  2. Really feel your pain. I once crunched the front wing & drivers door reversing out of a space in a multi storey (not the Zed).
  3. Maccaman


    As I read it you are not saying the car is slipping. If that's correct all you are experiencing is the stiff suspension, exactly what I get.
  4. Just open a free Photobucket account, load your pictures & then copy the img code (at the bottom of each pic), copy & paste into your thread.
  5. It does say at the start that each run was shot continuous.
  6. Maccaman

    my zed

    Definitely Marmite & I don't like Marmite.
  7. Flashlight, Google Sky map, Zedge, Battery Update & Wifi Analyzer all on my HTC.
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