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Everything posted by Leeroy

  1. Nice work guys, this is a superb site and forum
  2. Groove Armada - I see you baby Melle Mel - White Lines Johnny Cash - Drive On Finally, one for RTBiscuit - anything by Jaguar Skills
  3. As you say there are alternatives, but the RE050's are indeed a very good tyre and pretty well liked as an all rounder. It's the RE040's which you need to avoid like the plague - the difference is night and day. I enjoy a spirited drive every now and again and am extremely happy to put my trust in the Bridgies There are others on here who have more experience of other types of tyre on the Zed though, so it might be an idea to start another thread asking for tyre specific advice? For quotes, the best place to start are palces like blackcircles and Camskill - I've also found that local tyre centres often match online prices
  4. You shouldn't need to drop a grand on tyres, I've always stuck to Bridgestone RE050's which are sort of an OEM upgrade - the minimum recommended OEM are the RE040's which I can testify are best used as flowerpots A set of new RE050's should come in at about £700 IIRC. Other's on here will be able to offer advice on other good alternatives
  5. Hi Trance, You are correct about the sizes for 18's, they should be 245/45/18 rear and 225/45/18 front. The Zed's TCS doesn't like other sizes generally so this might be why you saw the light, so to speak On the other hand there is a big ol' 3.5 litre V6 under the bonnet which is quite capable of spinning the wheels if provoked, especially if the tyres are a hokey make or low on tread Hope this helps.......
  6. Nice, you got an S-Car steering wheel in with the deal too
  7. Dan, I have just been through this as a seller. If they want to keep their plate they should have sorted this before taking viewings really. The plate has to be transferred or put on retention and then the V5 needs to be changed and this takes a couple of weeks. If the seller is happy for you to take the car with his plate on it should be ok. Not sure how HPI's etc work in that case but I don't think it matters, others on here may confirm this for you.
  8. Thanks RobPhoboS, it's been well loved and is in fantastic condition. If you do look at 350Z's and want to view it give me shout
  9. Still the most tasteful option IMO
  10. When mine were done they wet painted the wheel and then powdercoated the lacquer to give a tough top layer. It isn't unfortunate to be up in the wilds of Lincolnshire, I'm a Yellowbelly We're currently trying to sell our pad in the 'Smoke and buy a proper sized house up 'Narth'. I just hope I still have the Zed to enjoy the roads up there
  11. I took after I'd finished weaving on the motorway of course!
  12. I agree 100% with jell36. It's a tricky one isn't it? Society's aversion to discipline (mostly in the home & classroom) and the lack of deterents / filling of our gaols means that we are in this spiral of antisocial behaviour. It's no surprise that the Swanage Daves of this world take matters into their own hands. I must say that having been a victim of similar things and seeing how they pan out afterwards when the perps hit the soft justice system I might be tempted to lash out myself in future. I think the public's general attitude to discipline, especially physical punishment is changing and I honestly think this is a good thing. Most parents know where to draw the line and shouldn't be tarred with the brush of those who don't - I had a few slaps to the legs and it's part of the reason I know where the boundaries of respect are. In Dave's case it sounds like the little mongtards had it coming - the fact that the *****'s father admitted as much speaks volumes, I just hope that it ends there.
  13. The big refurbers will have a full range of samples to look at whereas the smaller ones may just have an odd wheel kicking around. That said the big guys will be more expensive so you pays your money and you takes your choice I recently had my wheels refurbed at a place near Strood (Inspraytion) and it cost me £150 notes as they were doing a 4 for the price of 3 deal. Their premises aren't anything special but they did an awesome job and even at £200 it's cheaper than the usual suspects.
  14. Here's an image of a gunmetal car with bronze wheels. I did a golder version but it didn't look too hot so I toned it down....
  15. Hi, my mate runs a local body shop and he has gon with two different grades on his D.A Polisher and now the sun is out we are going to go one more grade and see how it looks, i think i will get some black hole to fill it in, does Tim at Envy sell it? on the little sh*t front he came out of hospital on tuesday after checks. not proud but the red mist took over, So is he going to take legal action against you then? No, Dave went 'round with a balaclava and introduced the mong to the heavy grade DA and now everyone is friends again
  16. Jon, stick up a photo of your car and some nice soul might photoshop bronze wheels on for you. I agree bronze is made of win on pretty much any colour Zed.
  17. Not a bad article IMO, I think that there are some good ideas in there, and realistic at that. I thought the piece would be dredging up the ridiculous ideas of restrictions on new drivers - using certain road 'blackspots' and fitting black boxes so am pleased that they aren't included in this study. I've noticed that insurers are now asking if you're happy to fit a black box which is very '1984' and would pretty much kill any remaining pleasure available when driving on our roads. The intensive course is definitely too short to actually learn proper roadcraft, personally I had 30 lessons and passed on my second test and I felt pretty confident when I got my first car at 17. I think more resources should be thrown at driving standards generally though, the established Brit practice of sitting in the outside lanes when there is space inside is diabolical - it's always refreshing to drive on the continent where good driving practice is (generally!) the norm. Limiting the new driver to low powered cars has it's virtues and I resolutely feel that my personal car history of gradual power increases over time made me a much better driver as you tend to learn car limits in a safer envelope of risk. Back in the days when I had a 1.2 Astra my outloook was different of course and I felt that it was safer driving a higher powered car because it could get you out of trouble better when overtaking etc, but at least it taught me to judge overtakes and I now have a better appreciation of how slower cars interact on the road
  18. Thanks You're welcome Only 3 years late but hey it's appreciated I'm a bit slow on the uptake
  19. Another vote against double parking here. I used to be paranoid about leaving my cars in public car parks but eventually realised it isn't worth the stress (it took me about 15 years though!). Basically the world if full of ming mongs who wouldn't care if they damaged your car, accidentally or on purpose. I've been lucky (touch wood) with the Zed but I view repairing bodywork scuffs as a yearly maintenance cost. Double parking is a bit ming mong too in my view and I agree with SMD that it'll probably draw unwanted attention anyway RTBiscuit, that site brightened up my day It looks like it might have been done by the cycling mong who posted vids of bad driving a while back....
  20. Very sombre watching In addition to the victims it makes you think about anyone who is witness to the aftermath of serious accidents.
  21. Yeah I have some good friends on here, luckily not everyone is a patronising, argumentative fool * * this comment bears no relevance to anybody in this thread obviously Only kidding guys, I think you over reacted though Doc - I assume Ewan's comments were tongue in cheek? I can see where you're coming from - I rate how a car drives way above how it looks. But it's also true that a car buying punter does have a choice of colours available - I'm sure manufacturers ditched the 'Model T any colour as long as it's black' strategy for a reason Henry Ford wasn't far off the mark though - I waited a few months for the right black car to come up as I think they look nicerer. Maybe that's just the poncy designer in me
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