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Everything posted by Leeroy

  1. Hello DJ, I sent a couple of PM's, not sure if you got them? I (cough) always stick to the limit (cough...of my car ) but this info might some in useful one day. Leeroy.
  2. Leeroy

    BMW123d v 350z

    An expensive way to get smelly fingers http://www.evo.co.uk/carreviews/evocarr ... 2_tdi.html
  3. The Drivers Republic site's pretty cool, bit's of video on there....
  4. Wheeler Dealers is the show where they take an old classic (Capri? )and restore (usually bodge) it, then sell it on (usually at loss) to a punter.
  5. Rather than creating lame challenges like the Police car one (Lexus vs Fiat Coupe vs Vitara) they should do more objective ones, like the Evo feature (was it the Grand challenge?) where they pitted the 205, Nissan (er 300ZX?) and BMW against each opther with REAL tests. At least then when we've drooled over the supercars, we can get back to reality and think about cars that we can afford Actually the Police challenge was a bad example, it was f**king hilarious :lol: Maybe we just need TopGear and Fifth Gear. I like 'em both, they both have cars in. What about Wheeler Dealers then...... Sorry, couldn't resist the thead evolution
  6. Nice. Like a thousand hungry fire breathing alsations This is why God gave us tunnels
  7. True. If Fifth Gear sort some slicker filming out, and lose the random presenters (obviously not Tiff or VBH ) for this new series then we'll be onto a winner. I saw an old Fifth gear yesterday with Tiff blowing up some twin engined Caterham type thing. A clutch for each engine He did manange 0-60 in less than 3.0 seconds first though
  8. I fear I can help I didn't fit in a Zed when I tried it for size (I'm 6'7") but after bugging people on here I ended up trying a non-GT car which has manually adjustable seats. And I fit. The downside is that GT's have all the gubbins that you want (leather, cruise, uprated Bose) for very little extra cash but I'm not buying the car for seats & sounds Not having it them may affect resale a tad though. HTH...
  9. Watched a repeat of Clarkson's first Top Gear 350Z review last night on Dave+1. I even recorded it with the intent of showing my better half how great a car it is. Don't think I'll be doing that though. I mean I knew he'd always slated the car, despite Top Gear giving it car of the year award or whatever it was, but his opinion is so different to EVERYONE elses Maybe he's cranky because he doesn't fit. He did look a bit squashed
  10. Leeroy

    BMW123d v 350z

    I'm running a Golf GT TDi 150 (try saying that when you're p*ssed!) at the mo, and it's very quick, I've surprised quite a few people who've been left wondering why they're watching a Golf pull away puffing black smoke The Golf was a temporary car bought a while we saved for our wedding, and I'm not keen on being a tennapenny Golf driver but really, the engine is superb. In fact when I drove the Z I was a bit underwhelmed - granted it was my first drive and I hadn't quite clicked with it, after all It's clear that the Z is one the best and quickest drives in my price range. My Golf's 0-60 in a lengthy 8 secs is obviously a lot slower but I think the turbo and mid range torque makes it 'feel' faster. The big diesel negatives are the engine note (have you heard the 'silent' diesel Seat Touring Cars?) and the oily smelly filling station experience. In short, I'm a diesel convert but still can't wait to get into a Z Leeroy.
  11. Leeroy

    What 'box?

    Very nice indeed, and a fair price. I'm after a black or gun metal one though. No, not Crouchy either, I do a decent robot dance though
  12. Leeroy

    What 'box?

    Ha, no not Shaq. I'm 6'7" though and just fit in the non-electric seats I'm pleased to say I reckon the seat motor gubbins add a couple of inches. A trackday lid might be tricky.....
  13. Leeroy

    What 'box?

    Nice one fellas. so it looks like I'm after a non-GT with manual 'box I can't have the GT with electric seats because I'm a tall git. That link I posted was a bit off-topic but the car still looks good value even for a non-GT - it goes and sounds the same as a GT edit: second thoughts, it's a bit leggy.
  14. Leeroy

    What 'box?

    What's the best 'box in a Zed? It looks like the options are manual or auto/tiptronic (assume all auto's are tiptronic?). I'm probably looking at an '03 or '04 if it makes a diffeence. Incidentally I saw this on the 'Trader today: http://search.autotrader.co.uk/es-uk/ww ... x_mileage= Too good to be true? It's not a GT, but still.....
  15. What about a Jag? OK they're a bit old man but you can get a fairly new 'R' model (XJR or younger looking S Type) for cheap.....
  16. Nothing's ever easy At least I know that if I go for a GT and swap the seats I'll need new baseframes. Nice seats BTW TT2Z I might be interested in them when I get my Z........
  17. It's a bit ghey but what about an MX5? They're great to drive and are cheap to buy and run. You could get one for a couple of grand and spend a bit on some choice mods?
  18. I actually think this looks kinda cool. Nice rims. Nothing less would do though. As said the Panda 100hp is supposed to be a better car, also the Suzuki Swift (Sport?) - if my Missus wanted a 500 I'd push for one of these or a Cooper S
  19. For a mega cheap runaround go for a diesel. I currently run (almost ashamed to admit it ) a Golf MKIV GT TDi which I bought due to saving for our wedding. It has totally surprised me, loads of power (read torque) it keeps up with (dare I say is quicker than) most hot hatches and it embarasses a good few other cars that should be quicker. A regular 45mpg is handy too. In fact Evo magazine even made positive noises about it. http://www.evo.co.uk/carreviews/evocarr ... lf_gt.html That said I need something now that handles how I want it to and doesnt sound like a tractor, hence the forthcoming Z. I'm not trying to sell you my Golf BTW, but I'd defo recommend them. £7,000 should get you a newish one. The equivalent TDi 150 SEAT (Cupra?) should be even cheaper. Just noticed the Cupra R recommendation - the 225bhp VAG engine is great, I test drove an S3 which was mapped to 260 odd bhp and it fantastic. Couldn't afford a new enough S3 at the time so ended up with the Golf! Good luck, Leeroy.
  20. Sorry for the repeated bumpage I need to make a decision regarding potentially modifying the 350Z seating. I have two options: 1) Buy a non-GT with seats that fit me. Nice and easy but I'd like the GT toys, so....... 2) Buy a GT and swap electric seats to non-electric manual ones. Am I right in thinking that I would need to swap the mounting frames as well as the seats themselves? I looked into Bride seats but can't afford the outlay I'm hoping to pick up standard 350Z seats from a breaker or similar. Thanks in advance, Leigh.
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