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Everything posted by Leeroy

  1. I went to the Mclaren Tech Centre last weekend, it was the Employee Motor Show. There were a few F1 GTR's there, they were sublime No photo's were allowed inside sadly but the nicest was this car.... It was weird to see a 458 and 911 Turbo parked by the lake. There were a few SLR's lined up too. I've added a few pics from the day, I didn't take that many though.... Anyone know the owner of this car...
  2. I've never been a fan of apple, mainly because it's overpriced for what it is and you are paying for the style more than the substance. Also, the communist levels of control they place on everything from filetypes to apps and hardware distributors irks me. Apple stuff was traditionally enineered towards creatives in the graphics industry but clever design and marketing over the last 10 years or so pulled the general public onto the bandwagon who, a) like 'nice looking' things and want hassle free ownership. To be fair, apple have done this extremely well, so it's good to finally see Android powered devices coming through which give it a run for it's money. I'm currently fighting a losing battle with my better half to switch to HTC/Android for her next 'phone and also forget the default iPad 2 and go for an Android offering.....maybe I can bamboozle her with the flash argument Ekona, not sure if it's applicable but the iPad always looks good as a medium to present clients with images of previous jobs etc
  3. He may as well change the brake pads while it's in the air
  4. That is stunning, it does seem to render the coupe redundant....
  5. The new AMG's are supposed to be as good as BMW's M cars to drive, they seem more 'bad mannered', i like that I actually prefer the smaller C63 to the E63 though I got my dad an AMG driving day for his birthday and spent the day there watching him cane an AMG CLS around Mercedes track. I'd never been a fan of Mercs but I came away converted - those AMG's sound absolutely immense. The passenger laps we had in a C63 were good too. Incidentally the day was brilliant value compared to the lame 'supercar experiences' where you get 4 laps and aren't allowed to change gear - the pain of not being able to use the R8's open-gate 'box in anger was awful But in the end I reckon I'd go for the E60 V10 M5, maybe the E39 if I was wearing my sensible head
  6. The problem is that in London cycling is encouraged so much that bad riding is ignored. For example, on Haymarket the other night I saw a cyclist with no lights overtake a police car, then blatantly cross a red light. The cop did nothing, to my amazement. These nutters are usually private hire drivers driving at about 110mph.
  7. Agree entirely. It is a massive inconvenience but it's the queue of mongtards who sit behind refusing to overtake that annoys me - then when you try to overtake and one of them accelerates to close the gap you're trying to get into.....arrrgghhhh! I have a lot of respect for farmers, they're the last of a dying breed of people in our fair country who actually make (ok, grow) anything Seriously though, the most annoying thing on the road is that Figaro P.O.S that Nissan decided to produce. It's a totally irrational reaction as there are loads of cars on the road that I don't like, but that one really gets me. In fact I was on the way to the gym with my better half last night and I almost threw a training shoe at one, arab style
  8. Is this any good to you? I did a quick search for the logo and didn't find a good quality one so I used a crap photo of the badge. It's just grayscale - cutting around the Z to make it black would take a bit longer
  9. I don't think his dad works there.
  10. Shoot, a proper bargain for someone if it's as good as you say
  11. Yep, get your dad/bro to do it. Just keep the receipts for the service parts, chances are the buyer won't question the 'family' stamp. If the car's in good condition with proof of history that's good enough for most.
  12. A sedate Zed drive...deserves an airing here
  13. That's all sorts of retarded ****ed up. If anyone hasn't seen the Dudesons have a look, they're kinda Jackass style idiots, funny though Watch the bit 1 minute into this clip http://youtu.be/QQexqjq0iCc
  14. I had to google Mutts Cutts It reminded me of this though
  15. Plus one on the Italian Job Miura And this - crap film, ace car..... Is this allowed, it isn't from a film....
  16. The video isn't intended to be competitive, with all apices clipped perfectly - it's about lary slides bordering on out of control. It's a shoe advert, and happens to showcase some awesome driving, special effects and camera work. As for the 'theatrics', again, it's a commercial and I should imagine they're there to entertain DC Shoe wearers who don't happen to be petrol heads. Just enjoy it people, it's about a bloke piloting a cool car around a movie set doing lots of skids I'd love to try that car, 'Monkey' Harris of Evo fame had a go and 'reviewed it' awhile back and said it was a total hoot - in fact it was probably him on the Segway 'Jet'
  17. A garage lost my locking wheel nut key and I bought a replacement key from Nissan. Lincoln Nissan quoted me about £40 but I got one from my local dealer (Ancaster Nissan Bromley) for about 18 notes. The only reason I knew £40 was expensive was from reading that someone on here paid £18
  18. Legend indeed, I was a bit disappointed that you say you always serve pies with the same food for bench marking purposes, but then proceed to test a pie with star shaped chips. I mean WTF, that's bound to skew the overall rating against the same pie with new potatoes and peas surely
  19. Fair enough to be honest. If they mark all their cars using the same scale then at least the percentage will be consistent. If a buyer wants a good drive with a bit of rawness they buy a 370Z. If they want the looks but not the drive they buy a TT. True. To be honest it's probably a good thing that Which subscribers don't drive 350Z's...actually that's a can of worms - how many of you subscribe to Which magasine? Admit it, you hog the middle lane too don't you?
  20. This. Add as much noise as possible and the recipe is complete I like the earlier suggestion of circling around them but I'm buggered if I'm going to waste my time on the 'tards Edited for completeness : The above is carried out in full awareness of proximity of other cars and prevailling road conditions - and always on empty roads (clearly, hence the maneuver). Also, all of the actions discussed so far only serve to make the over/undertaker feel better - I'm 100% sure that the middle lane hogs will not change their ways unless politely taken aside by the police
  21. My folks subscribe to Which magasine, i read it last weekend. They had a car review feature and the 370Z got 59% for being too 'raw'. TBH that's a mega selling point for owners - you just can't rate these cars using the same system as you would for a shopping cart fiesta, it's ridiculous. On the other hand they redeemed themselves by giving the 350Z 69%. Go figure.....
  22. They're thinking "QUICK!! Let's do one before the munter gets back in!"
  23. How's about this : Teams of 4 have to buy a car off ebay or Gumtree for 200 notes and spend another 200 on 'mods' including stag livery. The cars are then driven across to France and set various 'Top Gear style' challenges. The winner could be the wedding car on the big day (if it makes it back home) Alternatively, the destination could be the 'Ring
  24. ...not being able to get it up
  25. Do not do this, it will bankrupt you unless you subscribe to a 'care scheme' with them. However, we used to have British Gas Homecare(?) which was a yearly scheme and they get you patched up if your boiler fails - the boilers were decrepit and this proved good value for us. It isn't what you want to hear but the boiler is old and probably pretty inefficient....hopefully you can patch it up for another couple of years though
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