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Everything posted by Leeroy

  1. Okayyyy, note to self, don't post any more weather forecasts Call me retarded but I actually look forward to rain and snow.....although I don't need the car to get to work thankfully. Anyhoo, anyone got any idea what the weather is like in Vietnam is like in November?
  2. Just saw this http://news.uk.msn.com/uk/forecasters-w ... in-october
  3. The left speaker is driving me crazy too, I'm ready to rip the Bose out and repair it. See the guide for this here http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=21318&hilit=bose+left+speaker+repair While you're at it you could add a 3.5mm jack socket for phone mp3 connection. See Husky's excellent thread for the ipod/mp3 hack here http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=47176&hilit=ipod+hack The Bose sound quality is good enough for me - I love my tunes but I get my ear food with the windows down these days At least by retaining the Bose the steering wheel controls shouldn't get FUBARed
  4. Has the coolant been changed recently? After mine had been done the air-con blew cold for quite awhile - I might be wrong but I think the air has to clear out of the system......
  5. I can see why you got a Corsa
  6. That's gorgeous I love the way the owner is being so honest about the jack accident and stuff Wonder what it'll make......
  7. Leeroy

    Next gen 911

    Yeah, the looks don't change much, you sometimes wonder how much further they can go with the 911 but I guess there's a bit more life in it for now. Pete Do you think thats what they said in Stuttgart when they revised the first model? It's a design icon and they do right to stick to a minor massage with each model revision. I agree that the 911/Boxter/Cayman all look too similar though. It's like Porsche are scared to do much different with the other models because there's a good chance they might look better than the 911. I'd be happy with this one....
  8. That is very cool, although I have to say not the car I'd choose to drop the BMW V10 in, each to their own though, maybe the packaging was nice and easy. I must say, I find reading the numbnut comments on PH articles almost as entertaining as the articles themselves..... The E30 3 Series V10 that someone on there mentioned is, to use another PHer's phrase, "cool as penguin ****". http://forums.vwvortex.com/showthread.p ... 0-M3-Build
  9. There's a feature in Car mag's September issue about Fred Gibson's development of Skyline racecars in Australia. It goes all the back to the R31....it doesn't sound like Nismo were much help back then!
  10. An excellent response from the trader, I hope they can put business through the forum - this could work out pretty well for them after all
  11. Fair one... i'll remove the names from people's quotes as that wasnt my intention... (which i tried to back up with the smillie!) - i was just illustrating my point that some people's reaction wasnt cricket. No offense taken then Loving Andlid's comment about enjoying the V6 too - I haven't been out in a week
  12. Ease up everyone, I genuinely believe that most if not all on here are happy to walk away from a situation which was either going to be a bargain, a mistake or a con. Some of us took a punt and suspected that the seller had made a mistake and that a refund would 'probably' (even, hopefully!) happen. As it stands now the seller seems to be doing all he can to rectify the mistake and this might involve a discount on a future purchase and possibly free pads. Who the heck isn't going to consider taking him up on that? Get real guys, I think I'm talking for the majority of punters here. No one like having their name put up in a bad light and naming and shaming members at this point is uncalled for
  13. It's good to hear that the seller is doing something to limit damage to his reputation, ebay does have a procedure in place for buyers to accept or decline a sellers cancellation though, for what it's worth...
  14. This is why I wanted the traders view. If it was done on the cheap cash in hand then they may have an excuse. As it is it looks like a reasonable price was paid, so personally I'd expect it to be put right FOC. Discounts for 'cash in hand' doesn't mean 'rate for sub-standard job' it means that the trader doesn't pay tax and the customer enjoys a slice of that cake. Not strictly legal but we all know that's how it works. Anyway, cash in hand or not the paint-job looks pretty shoddy to me and I wouldn't be spending another penny to have it corrected. The correct course of action is to demand the work is put right FOC or threaten to expose the trader in order to prevent similar distress to other car owners
  15. +1 Use AT or PH and gauge the value yourself. Also, as a guide I find 'Whatcar' online valuations are pretty accurate http://www.whatcar.com/valuations
  16. +1 Use AT or PH and gauge the value yourself. Also, as a guide I find 'Whatcar' online valuations are pretty accurate http://www.whatcar.com/valuations
  17. Awesome work Cragus, must resist 'Nuts Type' jokes about pies
  18. I'm over Groupon. We used it a fair bit and it's fine until an offer is oversubscribed and you can't book it. There are conspiracy theorists that say some of the offers don't even exist Shame becasue the valeting offer we got for £18 is a great deal if we can ever book it!
  19. Leeroy

    Jaguar XF-R

    Spotted parked outside my office. The front calipers and discs are mahoosive The rest of it looks pretty smart too. It must go like stink as I was tagging along with a non-R version for 20 minutes or so the other week and it certainly had some legs!
  20. To be honest it's the 'lifestyle' aspect of Apple stuff that bothers me. A few years years ago it became all 'cool' to own an iMac, then the same with iPhones and now iPads. People just go all gooey over them. Fair enough it all works well - market took a long time to bring something to compete with the iPhone and the same seems to be happening with the iPad. I freely admit that I've suffered with clunky phones (compared to the iPhone interface) due to anti-appleness, so I'm happy that there are now products which are as good. Apple's success is based on two things, the 'lifestyle' thing and the superbly intuitive interface. Actually, theres a third thing which is what supported them in the early years - they excelled as a creative tool. The thing is I'm normally pretty objective when it comes to products, in fact (whisper it) I've never been a fan of Japanese cars but I realised that the Zed was more suited to me than some of the more obvious rivals. Good job it didn't have an Apple logo on the bonnet
  21. I saw a few SLR's last weekend at the Mclaren Tech Centre, not a fan but it was good to see a few lined up. I've posted a photo of them here ... viewtopic.php?f=21&t=53238
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