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Everything posted by Leeroy

  1. Same here. And the comment about what else can match the entertainment for less than £15K. Obviously there are Elises/Caterhams and the like but they're a bit less everyday M3's don't do it for me but I appreciate they're probably a sharper drive than the Zed.
  2. RIP. Having never understood oval racing it's only confirmed the pointlessness of it for me. Apart from the fact that it's dull to watch, the potential for huge accidents like this is frightening. I can see the argument that when cars do have an accident they drift out to the wall in 'relative' safety but this catastrophe shows what can happen when a car gets into trouble at v-max in the midst of a 200mph pack. Really sad and a great loss.
  3. Ah, cool, sorry. There are some cheap Rays on Pistonheads, perfect for a spare set at 400 notes. If the fronts were wearing decent RE050A's I'd have had them.... http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/3286862.htm
  4. Are Maxxis MV1's any good? I can't see much useful info on google. I don't think they're winter tyres anyhoo, although there are comments on an Aussie 'site that suggest they're alright in the wet. They look like ditchfinders to me
  5. This series would make for superb viewing 350Z's would be great to watch on track - especially in the wet if the tyres have given their best. It would be good to see cars performing in stock guise too. My car's a daily hack so I can't enter that but I'd be more than happy to steer someone else's car to victory
  6. As a few are saying, it's just a car - it'll (probably) be gone in a year or two but hopefully the missus will hang in there I used to be anal about my cars until I realised it isn't worth the stress, at the end of the day you can't control when your pride and joy will be accidentally or deliberately damaged. Chill out and get it repaired
  7. Be ready for some attention, the amphibians love the Zed.....
  8. This thread has morphed a bit In for a penny though - I think that one of the best things about the crap storage access in the Zed is that my wife doesn't seem to want to leave stuff in there Back on topic that white Zed is the nuts.....
  9. How do the Super Pro's feel with regards to ride? Is there much of a trade-off? I'm thinking of upgrading my transverse link bushes......
  10. I found this link whilst looking for info on suspension bushes and thought I'd post it. It's a nice description for members of the school for the gifted, like me http://auto.howstuffworks.com/nissan-350z-design2.htm It's American but still useful....
  11. Bit of a bump, I'm thinking about getting these transverse link bushes fitted soon, before geometry alignment. The suspension isn't knocking and feels fine - it was a minor advisory on the last MOT. Can anyone recommend an aftermarket bush which gives beter handling with little ride compromise?
  12. It would be a shame if egos spoilt this thread - it's a good opportunity to reflect on how Job's influenced technology and to a great extent, the way it influences how we live.
  13. Whether you are pro or anti apple no one can argue that Jobs was hugely successful in helping to build an uber-brand. He brought great products to market which were usually class leaders, as such he should be celebrated - it's no exageration to say that the world is poorer for his death. I'm still not buying an iphone
  14. I can recommend DMS in Erith.....
  15. Leeroy

    fuel economy

    I only drive on recently re-surfaced roads which run down-hill and have calculated that it saves me 6.2 pence a month
  16. If she ends up using them, drop me a PM and I'll let you know my member number Excellent, thanks Chris. The GB thing sounds like a ball-ache but not a deal breaker
  17. Ekona's right, a Pistonhead's user's comments which don't mention dynamics are worthless to most people in the market for a 350Z. Personally, the rarity of the 350Z and the fact that hardly anyone knows how good it actually is, is one of the biggest attractions for me.
  18. Corrected that for you Chris Nice heads-up on Gifgaf, I'll take a look - my better half needs some 3G connectivity for her ipad.... A nugget of info - I read today that it's estimated that each iOS devices is loaded with £60 worth of apps and tunes. I'm not an apple fan, for various reasons but it does look like nowadays (at least with phones/tablets) you get comparable technical specs to the competition for the pricepoint.
  19. An excess in Switzerland for a Corvette must be backside clenching There didn't look to be much warning judging by the vid in the PH link - if the repair crew were in that location and hadn't moved on....
  20. That should look crap but it's cool as! That's some good surfing too, the jump into the harbour at the start is nuts
  21. Very strange. It seems that the car shows up ok on hpi's and insurance checks so should be ok. I think my logbook shows silver too and mine's a GM. Two things strike me from the photo's though..... 1. There are some gash stickers on the dashboard that need to be removed sharpish 2. The ESP and headlamp wash on my car (UK) are the other way around. I wouldn't worry about the bonnet/bumper shutline though, a lot of 350Z's have a reasonable (or unreasonable!) gap there, it's quite prone to moving a bit after meeting with kerbs.
  22. Nice pics What tyres do you have on? You shouldn't be spinning up in third in the dry.....
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