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Everything posted by Leeroy

  1. What an entertaining way to spend 5 minutes My old H reg Audi Coupe is still being taxed but my last car, a VW Gold GT TDi doesn't have any info. I'm pleased the old Coupe is still running
  2. Of course you are right rothers but what about damage to society as a whole? This is why antisocial a-holes get away with what they do - the public (and in some cases authority figures) ignore what they're doing for fear or physical harm or reprisals in court for mis-practice. Clearly this PC attitude is a result of precedents where people have abused power, but scrotes know the system and bleed it dry. Morally, Big-Man was right. I just hope the court takes a fair view. The sad thing is that the little ***** who got thrown off will be claiming damages - I just hope he spends it on books for college.
  3. But he does have a vested interest, as do the other passengers on the train. I use trains daily and I'd have a vested interest too if it was me who wanted to get home after a hard days work / shopping / whatever. Yes the inspector reacted badly, but the kid played up and showed no respect for anyone on the train and that's why 'Big Man' did what he did. As has been mentioned the litmus test is the reaction of the travellers on the carriage and they seemed pretty happy with the result. The assault charge is a smack in the face for all of us who might hope that if we get into trouble one day, a have-a-go hero might helps us out. I watched the video a few days ago but did 'Big Man' ask the inspector if he wanted the kid removed from the train? If so surely the rail company would be partly answerable to charges?
  4. They look like 350Z headlights don't they? My first inpression was that it looks cack - like a quad that 'Fat Baaaastard' has sat on, with wheels that look totally out of place. But then I saw someone riding it and decided that with a Ferrari V8 engine in it there isn't much not to like Who cares if it can't be driven on the road, I should think most of them will be thrashed around the world's biggest sand pits, figuratively speaking.
  5. I get good results with Bilt-Hamber Autowash, Autoclay and Autobalm (wax).
  6. Leeroy

    40 Profile

    Tucking them away for the winter for one Yes, and chavtastic bling added to interiors and exteriors. It's subjective, I know that. I'm talking about the sort of visual mods normally reserved for Saxo's and Corsa's in MaccyD's carpark. Gotta love those stereotypes
  7. Leeroy

    40 Profile

    I'm all for saving a few bob where possible too, but it wouldn't be on the wrong sized tyres. Nissan specify parts for a reason and if you lower the tyre's profile you end up with an inaccurate speedo if nothing else. Also, visually (if the car isn't lowered) the arch gaps will be too big and there's already too much space in there anyway. I'm not an expert but I would have thought that 10mm less on the overall diameter would also reduce braking capability, I'll stand corrected if that's untrue. Try not to be offended by people reacting to your question badly and the smell of boiling pi$$, it's just that there are a fair few questionable things being done to Zeds by less discerning owners. If I was a buyer I'd be suspicious of a car with wrong spec tyres
  8. I just hate it when cars reverse themselves into trees
  9. Ahh cool, The Stirrup looks like a nice boozer. Lincoln I know, Gainsborough I don't....
  10. Not too **** on anyone's fire, but slimjim's leather treatment thread ended in him being disappointed that the leather deteriorated again after a time. That's not to say that the company didn't do an awesome job but I would think that regular treatments would be needed for really knackered leather like Slim's.... Thought it worth a mention so that the cost of a retrim can be considered against repair
  11. Happy bidet, did you go anywhere nice for beers? (I know Lincoln )
  12. Alex is a good call for Nissan fluids. I used non Nissan fluids recommended by and bought from Opie oils, they know their shiznit too.
  13. My sister's a copper and they do keep a beady out for antisocial or dangerous drivers if reported. Good work for reporting it as she'll probably tally a few incidents up and hopefully get a warning at least.
  14. No offense, but more fool you. Full sets in immaculate condition regularly come up for sale on this very forum for £600 ish. +1. Why did you do that?
  15. No offense, but more fool you. Full sets in immaculate condition regularly come up for sale on this very forum for £600 ish. +1. That was a bit silly to say the least.
  16. The biting point is high on the 350Z - like almost at the top of the pedal travel, high. I believe it can he adjusted though.....
  17. Big ol' engines in good looking rwd coupe/roadster bodies make sense in my world
  18. That's very cool. They didn't line the projection up very well though, the clock at the top is 100mm out of line
  19. Bump, I'd like to get my mitts on this too...
  20. Sketchup would be fine then, do you need a 3D file for CAD-CAM? I haven't used it for that but you can convert models to dwg, 3ds, obj and more so you should be alright. We use it for 3D printing a lot You can also export 'flat' dwg, dxf, eps, jpg etc etc. Although, and it's a big 'although', I think the free version has limits on what you can export. Then you might need to go out and check the weather...
  21. Go look at Sketchup before looking at the weather - it's pretty powerful, free, and so easy to use and learn. In fact pretty much anyone would be fluent after a few days worth of flying hours. What are you modelling?
  22. That's a nice quote from your dad's diary Captain If people care, that's good, and they should. I doubt many people pretend, it's pretty lame if they do. I work in Central London and our office all went out in the Square at 11 o'clock, there were a fair few out there paying their respects. It was humbling and a little eery, being so quiet. My grandparents served in WW2, G'dad 1 was a seargeant working on the Lancs and G'ma was a WAAF. My other G'dad was Army. Two uncles were in the RAF, my cousin works on the Typhoons, and my brother-in-law was a Para so I guess we have plenty of forces service history. I wouldn't be able to handle the discipline
  23. When I was looking into buying a Zed a couple of years ago, I wanted a Z4 but couldn't stretch budgetwise. With hindsight I'm pleased because the 350Z does seem more special than Z4's, exept for the Z4M which I'd have over the Zed TBH. I have heard that the handling isn't as good as it could be, but from memory there is a suspension (maybe even ARB) mod that sorts it. I don't know if this applies to more recent cars. If you have the budget I'd go for a Cayman personally... The M Coupe is another thing again
  24. Leeroy

    Toyota FT-86

    How is being factual splitting hairs? People sometimes get so defensive when it gets pointed out that they don't technically own a sports car but a sports coupe, but who cares? What do you think I drive, and do you think I'm bothered? You can have coupes and sports coupes y'know, and they are different. Sports cars do not have tin tops. End of. I couldn't give a flying one what people call the car I drive, I just think there is no difference between a 'sports coupe' and a 'sports car'. That is splitting hairs. Did some massively respected petrol head academic decree that's how it is? If Mr Bean told me I'd be happy with that I do struggle to understand how some people can say that a 270+bhp RWD car, which is accomplished dynamically, isn't a sports car. Where is the line drawn? Does it need motor'SPORT' pedigree, now that I would understand. It's all relative (and subjective) I guess. Plus I'm hungover, give me this one please
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