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Everything posted by Leeroy

  1. £60 is cheap Materials don't cost much if you have the luxury of playing with a machine at work/school but it is expensive to out-source the models due to high equipment/maintenance costs, as I said..... This is for the powder based models......
  2. I say build one, if you have some basic know how. Just do your research to ensure the parts like each other. It's satisfying when it all works (it's a lot easier these days) and you will have a better spec machine at the end of it - in addition to having a better understanding to fix things if they go wrong. I spent £600 5 or 6 years ago and ended up with a machine which would have cost around £1K already built.
  3. Parked up on East Street in Bromley this evening...... What's with the black bumper?
  4. We use these at work a lot, in fact we're thinking about getting one for the studio. Each model is pretty expensive - something 400x400x400mm is about a grand depending on complexity. It's very cool when you get a model delivered that you only just sent for printing that day These are nice versions for the home http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2009/08/makerbot/
  5. Can I have a brace of Porsches from the Steve McQueen Le Mans film please I couldn't resist putting this pic up - the car isn't all that clear (it's a 917K) but check out that race patina! I just found this site with some cool Le Mans film images, in case anyone is interested.... http://theselvedgeyard.wordpress.com/20 ... -goodness/
  6. I got into Vietnamese coffee when I was over there last year. It can be really chocolatey but the taste is from the bean itself and not added afterwards. I've tried a few coffees here that claim to be 'chocolatey' but they just don't cut it! The Vietnamese use a 'phin' filter, here's a link http://www.trung-nguyen-online.com/abou ... filter.php It's quick and easy to use, in fact I use it every morning now.
  7. Maybe not one to lust after but probably one of the best celeb cars to actually drive....
  8. Brilliant, I actually laughed out loud at my desk
  9. Sometimes when I'm really tired and drifting into the curb on the motorway I stop at the services and buy a can of Red Bull. It's amazing, afterwards I feel like I could drive for days and I'm really alert - it's like I can anticipate things before they happen. Does anyone else think Red Bull makes you a better driver?
  10. We stayed in Igls, near Innsbruck and explored the nearby Patscherkofel ski area. We went up for a day on the Stubai Glacier too which was awesome. Looking forward to checking Soll out in a couple of weeks
  11. I'm partial to the Gulasche still, been to Innsbruck twice (was there the weekend before last) and the Picante Gulasche is a nice slope lunch. With a Weizenbier of course My latest trip was for a weekend and you're right it's an expensive way to do it, but it's hard to get a couple of trips in otherwise. Innsbruck can't be beaten for transfer times when you're pushed for time.
  12. Awesome vid and some nice skiing I'm off boarding in Soll at the end of the month, any top tips for slope spots and apres ski? Where's it easiest to get off-piste?
  13. A perfect example of proper, non-ghey 4X4 use
  14. There is some really useful info on there Coldel I posted a link to the suspension page awhile ago. It's nicely written - even I can understand the technical stuff and I'm a bit sthpeshal
  15. How rural are you going to be Rubber? I'm in the '4x4's are ghey' club, unless the clearance is REALLY needed - ie for more than a handful of days a year. Otherwise they just obscure the view ahead for people in proper cars. There are some nice 4WD estate options
  16. To be fair, it isn't surprising that none of the blokes on here will admit to liking Whitney Housten's music. For the record I don't either But like it or not she/her record company produced some tunes which hit all the right buttons for plenty of people who like that crap - and made a fortune for her and the company. That isn't her fault and I think that success should be celebrated. At least she had a talent, unlike most of the sheite we get drip-fed these days - step forward 'TOWIE' I think it's a shame it ended for her that way, drugs or no drugs.....
  17. But what if the forum don't like something has done to his own car The Zed police will be called in!!!
  18. If your BT on your phone is enabled it should find the car. You might need to switch the ignition off and on again. The contacts sync is a PITA, as far as I remember you have to enter each one manually for the voice dialling to work. I started to look at it but then got bored and gave up......
  19. Leeroy

    JDM tyres

    John, there is lots of great forum info on tyres if you do a search
  20. Jealous retards. Gutted for you also I'd say it's more than a touch-up pot job but I'd love to be proved wrong. Touching it up and blending it back in would take so long that I think it'd be less painful to take it into a paintshop, that is unless you're confident in sanding the whole scratch down and priming/painting/lacquering with rattlecans. I'd hate to spend a weekend doing that and not be happy with the result. Paints4U (sound dodgy don't they!!) do a good job matching paint, although Azure is a lot trickier than flat colours. They do repair kits too. http://www.paints4u.com
  21. It was tongue in cheek Ekona, 'sideways' being the operative word The Zed has to be a lot more fun than a TT surely? They bore the socks off me to be frank, however good they sound - and by god the TTRS sounds good on downshifts
  22. Yes, I've driven over there from Lincoln a few times. I live in London now and really miss some of the roads back 'home'.....
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