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Everything posted by Leeroy

  1. Nah, I think they do it for the devilment - annoying other road users whilst trying to work out how to murder the next prostitute Actually I come from a family of hauliers (I'm not a murderer!!) so have lots of sympathy for long distance drivers. It may be that 10 miles back the poor fella was stuck at 40mph behind the lorry in front on a hill, and is now seizing the slim window of opportunity to overtake. I drove a van during uni holidays and it wasn't much fun. Imagine watching the rest of the world driving around carefree while are limited to a certain speed and needing to be at pick-ups / drop-offs in time with all the problems of traffic on our roads - it wasn't for me. An empty flat-bed Mercedes 310D Sprinter does give a good insight into rear wheel driving though The biggest problem as already mentioned are the twunts who insist on sitting in the middle or outside lane with nothing on the lane inside. I usually make a point of returning swiftly the the inside lane after overtaking them. Occasionally they get the point and pull in - more often than not they just sit there, clueless or pig-headed
  2. I think I'd look at Focus's (Focii?) or something a bit different like a SAAB, which should be reliable enough but cheap. I also secretly quite fancy a go in a Panda 100hp, and would definitely consider a Suzuki Swift Sport. I ran a MKIV Golf GT TDi 150 for a couple of years and it was impressive, loads of diesel power/torque and they remap well too. You could also look at Seats of the same vintage with the PD 130/150 engine? HTH.....
  3. The lighting you are looking at is Gas Hydrogen Energy Yield lighting. I think Halfords might sell this, probably branded up as Ripspeed
  4. My only problem with paints4u is that their Azure Blue (B17) is called electric blue and looks nothing like my car's colour... That's quite a problem
  5. Check out the paints4u website. It sounds properly dodgy I know but they supply really well matched paint (give them your code) and their touch-up kits are good. Good luck!!!
  6. Heading off the roundabout past the Odeon on sunday
  7. I bet you have more than one bin, posh people like you ( ) have several bins for various refuse and recycling whereas the average chav just dumps everything into landfill, so saving us all some cash
  8. Is it April already! That thing looks more land speed record than Le Mans - I wouldn't fancy piloting it through the Porsche Curves
  9. TBH If it was me I might have gone through with it if the company was a big one with crap sales staff, rubbish service and high prices. Something along the lines of PC World, Halfrauds etc. It isn't being dishonest, no one has stolen anything. If it was an independant trader the likes of which operate here it would be a different story
  10. It's only been out 10 minutes! In all honesty the list of my 'dream' cars would mostly be cars that were created before I was born. There would be a handful of nearly modern machinery. This is in my lotto win ultimate dream garage..... Oh and a veyron wouldn't even nearly get a look in on it. I know, there aren't many new cars that I feel that way about. I'm not a massive Ferrari fan either but I reckon the design is spot on and it sounds like a good steer too. In 20 years I reckon people on forums will be voting for this in the same way as we are the 250 GTO now.
  11. +1 on the 917 and original (Gulf stickered) GT40. It's so hard to pick a favourite though. I love the 458 Italia
  12. Leeroy

    Used tyres

    Obviously new tyres are preferable but there are some situations where part worns might be considered, especially if the car may be sold on reasonably soon. I can't see a problem with buying part worn tyres - the same argument against them goes for any tyres that are on a used car when you buy it. How many people would replace them just because they don't know their history? Not many I'd wager....
  13. This is what happened to me too. There were two different boxes and we just went through the ones that 'looked right'. Got it on about the fifteenth go and ordered the part there and then. Me too. Be aware that the prices for these keys varies across dealers - IIRC one quoted about £40 but I bought one from another dealer for £18, I was surprised by the cost difference. The technician checked all their keys against mine and gave me the part no. - if the tech at your dealer is being awkward about it have a word with the manager - they want to sell you a key don't they????
  14. Ahem......cough......NSX.....case re-opened
  15. Someone's selling these 17 inchers on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/17-Nissan-350 ... 256d85889a He says he thinks they're rays - surely not??
  16. The SAAB's a good call, a mate of mine bought a newish 9-3 cabriolet recently for not many thousands. I was a bit surprised as he's a bit of a petrol head but he's pleased with it apparently.
  17. Pistonheads is free, ebay isn't. If there is no rush then stick it on Pistonheads to test the water / price. I would then use Autotrader or ebay.....
  18. Now's your excuse to get an exhaust that freeeeees that V6 man!
  19. Leeroy

    20 Inch Rims

    I should think that the 20's will ruin the ride and handling, which would be a shame. Nissan designed the car to use wider tyres at the rear to provide grip for the grunt of the V6 - presumably they used a narrower front to make it easier to turn the front wheels and prevent tramlining. The tcs would probably be confused by the new weird geometry too....
  20. Well, reading between the lines........ A few people have bought cheapo stainless exhausts on here and had to spend a bit of time adjusting/modifying them to gt them to fit properly. Basically if you're handy or have a friendly fitter it might be worth a punt. I can't comment on this Infinity item although someone else might come along with experience of them.
  21. If no one on here has a spare I'd try ebay. You could also try the old school way - call a few scrap yards or do an online parts search. What tyre brand / spec do you need?
  22. Also bear in mind that there are different specs of each processor - ie you can get crap i7's and great i7's.
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