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Everything posted by Leeroy

  1. This is because we don't like poor people...........they don't wash and they can't afford good quality balsamic vinegar. Money doesn't come into it. You people are so far up your own arses, poncing around in your sports cars. I mean why would you pay a small fortune for Blasmonic vinegar when you can mix soy sauce and Sarsons and get the same thing
  2. You've mastered that trade though
  3. Pistonheads is awful, and if you want to see superiority complexes check out the Evo forums. It isn't the £10K plus thing, not for me. I just hate to see people buying good cars and ruining them. Everyone jumps to conclusions on forums, it's the nature of the beast and to be fair there normally isn't smoke without fire.
  4. Fair one Just thought I'd say though, you missed an apostrophe out there docwra. Runs and hides
  5. Is that comment for real?
  6. You drive a sub 10K Nissan thats probably your pride and joy, how does that give you the right to look down on others like you are in line for the throne or something? Are the "old kind" of owners rich aristocracy who never exceed a speed limit and all have Le Mans titles under their belts? I dont think so, so stop acting like you are better than this guy. The guy has asked a genuine question, OK, maybe it could have been worded better but Im actually a bit ashamed to have anything to do with this place after some of the answers. I would say the problem here is ; a) The grammar. It isn't being pedantic to expect people to type words in the correct order and spell the odd word crecktly. The speedy escalation to insults and cussing. c) The combination of a + b leads people to jump to the conclusion that this guy might stick all sorts of rubbish on his car and allow it to slowly wither and die due to poor maintenance.* * 'c)' may be totally unfounded in this case and the poor guy might own the 350Z because he has great taste and it's a great example of a good value driver's car. I do hope so. In which case why don't you people just LIGHTEN UP! Make a little space, make a better place. Save it for our children.
  7. Plus effing 1! With Zeds for under £6K it was always going to happen. I just hope not too many are ruined by skimping on maintenance and being chavicised
  8. It probly jus needz lowerin an sum 20's innit?
  9. A vote for the Scorpion here
  10. Well, I'm a mid 30's interior designer so take your pick.... Don't worry, I think only men have mid-life crises
  11. There are 4 types, in order of importance ; Drivers Mid-life crises Posers Chavs
  12. I agree he's a cocky sod, but he can drive. There was some feature on Fifth Gear (new Scooby vs Evo I think) where he drifted past Tiff on the inside, he was bloody close
  13. Tell me about it, the DTE was hovering between 18 - 20
  14. Reg **52, JDM with bonnet vents, somekinda bootspoiler and a Veilside badge on the back...
  15. It visited 5 petrol stations before I being ass raped for £1.52 a litre
  16. I'd get some 50's for the rear if I were you. 5mm on the front is enough for now. You'll get a better response if you type something people can understand, too
  17. If she's sold on the Beetle, they look cheap for the age of car. I'd push the Mini idea though, or how about the new Fiat 500 for a retro-ride?
  18. I have dun a trk day @ Postwold 2, it was gr8. U don't get man laps tho and they din let me change gear....
  19. Once you've finished the ass fudge, how about nipping out for some ass apples
  20. The Nissan / Gopro limited edition model is cool, if you can track one down....
  21. Leeroy


    Save your cash and buy some Rays instead
  22. It'd be cool to have an original 'concept car', if it is. That tailgate looks awful though, I wonder why there aren't any side profile shots!
  23. Well, 'that sort' kinda live there If they're spending money on remodelling houses and buying cars which allow Ferrari to produce things like the 458, that's good enough for me
  24. Bejesus! The reports say no-one was hurt, amazing. It looks like my Battlefield 3 helicopter flying efforts
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