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Everything posted by Leeroy

  1. Good man. See, we aren't all planet destroying lunatics. I used to run a toad crossing patrol when I was a kid
  2. To save some members the time of re-posting.... viewtopic.php?f=21&t=24144&hilit=previous+car+list&start=15
  3. It wasn't exactly cosmetic damage - did you expect the car to turn itself inside out
  4. I'll take the black front reflectors off your hands, providing they fit my car - it's a 2004 UK GT, can you confirm they'll fit?
  5. Mmm, I think I need one of those then That corrugated plastic/card sh*t that Nissan gives you is pretty poor quality.... I take it the oem boot mat sits over the top of it in just the same way?
  6. The thick OEM mats are indeed excellent quality - is this one for a coupe though? It looks a weird shape, maybe it's for a roadster?
  7. I'm currently trying to think of pointless posts to put up....
  8. Ah, ok. Wasn't paying enough attention to the images.
  9. It seems to be sporting a Vauxhall badge, looks like a Monaro to me...
  10. As per title, this evening. Looked nice with black Rays
  11. I have you know that my runaround is a 68 BHP Skoda Octavia 1.9 SDI and most Definately fast enough to get caught in a speed trap. Though I like the 65 plus to the gallon. I know, I had a Golf IV GT TDi 150 and it was quick. Well, it felt quick - a real boost/torque fest. Good fun but it was like a black and white film compared to glorious technicolor It did 42mpg hoofing it everywhere too
  12. That sounds pretty cool. Do you use the Eye-Fi as a permanent storage drive or is it too small?
  13. Very true, my other half got the 3G version which was a fair bit more expensive and hasn't bothered with a micro sim yet. Unless you really want to use it out and about (when wifi is often available anyway) it's a waste of cash. The micro sims seem to add at least £100 to your mobile tariff as far as I could see a few months back....
  14. I appreciate apple stuff more now, well, iPads anyway. When the Mrs was looking to buy one I tried and failed to find an alternative that suited her. The lack of usb is just plain ghey tho
  15. Welcome You lucky thing owning a Zed and living somewhere with great roads
  16. Bit late for April fool's jokes If it's a serious question it does sound like you need a disiesel......careful not to get anything with more than 125 torks though
  17. I have non-directional RE050's on the front and asymetrics on the rear at the moment - will the tyre police burn me at the stake?
  18. Good point, the image transfer gizmo is good.
  19. The flippy-switchy-off cover doubles as a stand....
  20. First I thought about a new knob, second a diff flange, not sure where to go for the third leg....
  21. A hammer Not an apple fan, but my wife's iPad2 is pretty darn good. She has the apple flippy cover thing which turns the screen off. Tis clever.
  22. Maintaining momentum in lo-po cars can be good fun, I miss having to think about the run-up needed to overtake. Actually scrub that, it was sh*t! But I used my wife's 1.4d Pug 106 for a few months between cars and it took on hilarious body-roll when changing direction quickly, ie lane changes. I swear it must have hit 20 degrees off horizontal
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