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Everything posted by Leeroy

  1. Jesus blue Christ! Scary sh*t, it's bad enough thinking that this is cool, nevermind typing it on an open forum
  2. Just saw these in the for sale section on here ; viewtopic.php?f=32&t=62560 £350 notes for Rays with tyres isn't bad. They are RE040's though - not in the ditchfinder category.....quite
  3. I'd consider it quite seriously if I were you
  4. Have a look at second hand tyres, it's much better to get decent used ones than sub-standard new ones in my opinion. Here's an ebay link example ; RE050A's (rear) Not sure of the Ecopia spec, have a google. They have repairs though. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Pair-245-45-1 ... 3376d8d943 Also, look out for wheels with tyres, it's a good way to get cheap tyres especially if the rims are bad. You might make a bit back if you sell the wheels afterwards.
  5. I see your point, they aren't exactly exciting but it suits my requirements well as we'll be needing a more practical car soon and want to keep the Zed. £5-6k gets you a 2006 T5 with 40000 miles, you're looking at a BMW or Merc 5 years older with 100,000 miles for that cash if it's anything interesting and it's likely to need bits and bobs doing to it. On the other hand I'm tempted to sell the Zed and get something like a B7 S4 - that's the dilemma at the mo....
  6. LOL, thats quite an outlay - sorry, couldn't resist. Haha, no worries Jez Admittedly a couple of grand isn't megabucks to achieve a great track car and I can see how great it would be with a bit of prep. I'm a lazy git so personally I'd want something great out of the box which wouldn't need putting back together come resale time
  7. It's well known that whilst the 350Z is a great car, it isn't an ideal thing to convert into a track weapon, unless you have deep pockets. As you are querying whether an extra £200 over £800 is worth spending I would suggest that a different car might be more suitable. Your car is probably worth about £5K and you will probably spend £2500K if you are looking at upgrading the import brakes, getting trackday rubber and and a coilover suspension. Then Rays will be £400 for a tatty set. For £8-9K you could get something like an S1 Elise. Alternatively, throw the lot at an MX-5 and you will have an awesome track car Probably not the answer you want to hear but.......
  8. I got mine from Maplins, it's been fine for a couple of years....
  9. There seem to be a few options and MTE and RICA get good reviews. MTE - http://kalmar-union.com/ RICA - http://www.rica-uk.com/ Both these companies send out maps for self install directly to the OBDII port without needing a laptop. I should think they map manually themselves too??
  10. Definitely a Marmite car! The fitting/finish looks good but I'm not a fan of the colour scheme, too orange IMO - a subtle gold would have looked better. It's all a bit Fast and Furious crashed through the Ripspeed department I'm guessing you don't plan on selling the car anytime soon, it'll take some work to put it right again
  11. You are a true literary hero Mr Rice. I reckon you could make a career out this complaining / getting a fair deal lark - and if not then you could certainly write a book of anecdotes that should be a hit The best bit is that you didn't even need to resort to threats of curling one out on Howard's desk
  12. I'm about to get my wheels powder coated and requested 'hyper silver' as a result of seeing HassanZ's wheels on this forum. The powder coater has suggested a black primer followed by the hyper silver and then a powdercoat lacquer, has anyone had this combo done? It isn't a biggie because I'll get to see this and other options tomorrow at the paintshop, but would be interested to hear views. I don't want an Anthracite colour effect, but do want something which pops a bit more than the standard Rays colour which is a bit flat
  13. Loving that comment, I've already ordered my suede jacket with leather elbow patches too I'm already planning subtle mods (SAAB or Volvo) that blown engine will remap nicely
  14. Thanks greekman, good to hear your views after running a V50. I'll test all of the options and see where it leads. If I go Volvo it'll be either the T5 or D5 but I don't think we'll be doing many miles so should think we'll get a petrol. I'm taken with the idea of a fivepot too
  15. I get it, the SAAB's are great value! I prefer the Volvo though Those Dame Edna light surrounds have to go down as one of the biggest faux pas in car design
  16. Haha, tempting It's a lot of car the cash and the mileage isn't bad either - the E91 Beemers and S4's I've looked at have the same mileage and they're only 6 years old My dad just sold his W reg 'E' Class and it was costing him an arm and a leg by the end. The body was shite too, IIRC it was of a time when Merc steel had the properties of rice paper Having said that he swapped it for a newer 2006 'E' Class - after all the old one had done about 200,000 miles. You can stop now though, the old ones don't float my barge
  17. No recollection of first sights on the road for me either, I read Evo reviews of the Zed and they seemed to like it so it went on the radar. My first recollection of my car is trying to navigate out of Southampton without a map or sat-nav
  18. They definitely do, I'd love a C63 one day. I'm not keen keen on older Mercs though. I want an estate so the M3's out, as I say if the Zed went the 335i would be a contender Back on track - this is all about the T5!
  19. There isn't much in it is there, although I prefer the Volvo styling and from what I've read the chassis is better. I ran a GM900 Turbo shed (HPT version) for awhile and it was a quick thing, but sadly the ditchfinders and crap suspension limited the experience somewhat
  20. It's time to get a more practical second car and after weighing up the options the Volvo V50 T5 is topping the list, I like the semi Q-Car status. The brief that I gave myself is to get as much new car as possible for £6K-ish, that is also a decent steer. My preferred option would be an E91 BMW 335i or B7 Audi S4 but that'd mean selling the Zed, and despite it making sense to do that I'd like to keep it awhile. So, for me, it's boiled down to Vovo T5's, SAAB Aero's and Octavia VRS's. I'm aware that the V50 T5 is a decent car, being based on the Focus chassis and all, but does anyone here have experience of them? Part of the attraction of the low cost is that I could make a few choice mods to the exhaust, suspension and engine....
  21. The alignment and links should make a noticeable difference, it's quite possible that the bushes might need attention too. If you have the re040's then you need 050's at least, as ekona said there are other options but the RE050a's are a good tyre
  22. Hmmmm. I feel a poll coming on I agree 1000000% that that the current hysteria over a car's fuel history is crazy. It seems to be getting worse too. I'm not saying that engines haven't blown, or that the experts who have discovered that it may be related to low octane fuel are wrong, just that it's been 'blown' out of all proportion. I mean how on earther can ANYONE know the fuel history of ANY car. It ridiculous, based on current scaremongering no one will ever want to buy a Zed. That'd be a shame for people who might miss out on a great car, and a shame for people who want to sell one. The poll should be : "Have you regularly run your car on sh*t fuel, and if so did it go pop?". I think that might calm the situation down.
  23. Midnight blue is a fine colour, I'd much prefer it to grey
  24. Do you have any pictures of the 'whelks'?
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