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Everything posted by campo

  1. Silver zed, PN 54 ***, i followed you over the M62 coming back towards manchester from wakefield around 4 this afternoon...... anyone here????
  2. Im off to evesham tomorrow morning, so anyone on the M6 south, M42 and M5 give us a wave!! Then coming back about 4......
  3. didnt know about it.... been away in York all week
  4. Yet another manchester area Zedhead joins the ranks..........
  5. i can see it now, a dozen Zeds going round and round heap bridge roundabout at 8 o'clock in the morning!! All waving at BMWs Would make a change from the usual one finger salute that BMW drivers normally deserve/get.............
  6. Lookign forward to being able to be at the next one Stan, pics look great! Only one thing missing though ................................................................................ A black Zed!!!!!!
  7. blonde and gorgeous ..... Black 330ci convertible, MM 51 ***
  8. campo

    Antera 343

    You still slagging my affluent area? The new bar is very posh I'll have you know, apparently the best night out in Bolton It's nearly as good as the spoons. Are you one of the typical Stockport chavs? Didn't think burberry went with the Z interior Its worse than that, i am actually originally from Farnworth........................................... please be gentle...
  9. I'm always on that roundabout..... (well not always, but just when I have to use it) as only live 2 miles away so come off there all the time.... Never seen another Zed on it once.... Well if you see mrs campo when you are going round it, give her a wave.......... i'll tell her to look out for you!!
  10. campo

    Antera 343

    exclusive? Weshoughton? i have never seen those two words in a sentence together before....................
  11. campo

    Antera 343

    How did you kerb them? swerving to avoid a pie??????
  12. campo

    Antera 343

    Will do, ta
  13. I agree, my mats have gone in exactly the same place. The mats were with the car when i bought it, but the thoughtful previous owner had supplied a plethora of bills and invoices with it, one of which was for the Nismo mats. He got them from Middlehurst Garage in St Helens. A quick look on their website shows that they are a Nissan Motorsport dealer who specialise in GTRs. I will give them a ring and see if they keep them in stock or get them to order. Will report back. For information, the part number is: SKY7409RNZ30
  14. campo

    Antera 343

    Thanks Clarkie Thats two to go at, one of them should do stainless steel.
  15. campo

    Antera 343

    Thanks Digsy, have you any experience of them??
  16. Another black one, good on ya mate!
  17. campo

    Antera 343

    Thanks for that, they look perfect for the job. only one problem ............................. they are 180miles away!
  18. campo

    Antera 343

    Can anyone help....... I have a set of 20" Antera 343's on my Zed, they came with the car when i bought it and have quite a bit of kerbing on the stainless steel rims. Heres the questions: A. Can these be refurbished? B. What sort of cost? C. Is there anyone in the North West who can do it?
  19. it looks the business!!
  20. who did it for you Clarkie? it looks a great job. im interested in getting the Pioneer AVIC-HD3.
  21. this is torture Stan! you know i cant come and you insist on talking about donuts!!!!!!!!!!!!
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