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Z Newbie

Z Newbie (1/7)



  1. Is it an import? I'm guessing it is and its taxation class is PLG. Some importers do this, some don't when the car is imported. Its particularly true of JDM only cars like the DC5. Basically this means they don't have c02 figures for your car. If it is then the tax bracket is correct and you'll pay £185 next year I believe.
  2. Hi Guys, This is my first post here so please be gentle!!! I've been looking for a Z for a little while now but have been struggling to find any decent examples near me (Reading) at my price point (13Kish) I have sold my car so travelling any distance to view is a bit of a problem. However, I found the following example on Autotrader today, but it has a Steering wheel different to any other I have seen on a Zed. http://search.autotrader.co.uk/es-uk/ww ... x_mileage= My question is - was this an option in Japan? (the car is an import) I guess it just set a few alarm bells ringing about whether it had been replaced due to an accident etc. The car has had the fog light horribly cut into the bumper so I won't be going to see it anyway, but I just thought I'd ask the question. BTW if there is anyone who lives in the Reading area who wouldn't mind showing me round their car one evening maybe I would really appreciate it. I only ever get to see them drive past me (mostly very quickly!) Thanks in advance!
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