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Posts posted by SteveW

  1. Morning folks,


    Just wondered if anyone had ever ordered any bits off madmotors.co.uk?


    They seem to have lots and lots of body kits in and I've seen they do the INGS V2.


    They also seem very reasonably priced with the front bumper at £300 and the sideskirts at £300.

    Sadly they don't have the Nismo V3 which is what I really want :shrug: but rocking horse poo springs to mind.....


    Does anyone have any experience of this company? Are the parts genuine or copies?


    Thank you


  2. I'll post up some 'on the car pics' when I get them on.


    I'm hoping to do it this sunday but we'll see how seized the current ones are . . . . . :bang:


    Must say the lime greens ones do look awesome.


    Thanks again!

  3. If the discs are skimmed up on the car then it will fix your run out problems and the vibration will go. However, having said that be very careful skimming can hide underlying problems, such as a wheel bearing on the way out or a bent hub. I know I have a bent hub on mine, back left. After getting the hub off and measured on the CMM at work two "lobes" on the hub were 0.1mm lower than the other 3 so the disc sits wonky on the hub thus runout was about 0.4mm at the edge of the disk. Ideally you want as close to 0 runout as possible, but less than 0.07mm at the back and 0.05mm at the front is acceptable on the Brembos.


    In my experience its not usually warped discs but has been caused by discs not being fitted correctly.


    It is essential when changing disks to check the runout of the disk with a proper DTI and make sure run out is in spec.


    A way to check how many of your disks are running out is drive around for a bit, stop and feel your disks. If any differ in temperature from the rest they are running out for some reason. Either warped or not fitted properly.


    One thing to be wary of is that when they skim your disks they don't take them too near to minimum disk thickness because then they will warp due to thermal stresses and possibly crack. Additionally if skimmed near minimum thickness the temps can cause microstructure changes in the disc material causing hard spots to form which don't wear down as the rest of the disc does and then the vibration comes back.

  4. I used 1.2 litres when I did mine but I did pump way too much through the first line was just too hard to tell when the new stuff was coming through.

    It had only recently been replaced.



    I think the brake fluid companies should colour their fluids would make it easier lol.


    I use RBF 600 and its quality stuff :thumbs: . Did 4 track days last year and didn't boil the fluid once. A mate running some standard dot 5.1 in his clio sport boiled it towards the end of the first session.

  5. Thank you RichieB for the pics that is just what I was after, makes it very clear :thumbs:


    Thanks for the heads up Alex

    I don't think I have any copper washers, I had best check, I bought the lines used so may have to contact Hel for some if there aren't any.


    Thanks again,


  6. Hi Folks wondering if someone can help, I wnet to try and fit my HEL lines last weekend but got a bit stuck.....


    First off the front has a hardline-------flexi-------metal block------flexi------ caliper

    Rear has hardline------flexi--------hardline------caliper


    My HEL kit is a 4 line kit, can someone give me a clue as to how the lines fit? I've had a serach and can't really find anything, some pictures would be awesome!


    I'm guessing on the front go straight from hardline to caliper but at the back I couldn't work out if you were supposed remove the hardline coming out of the Brembo and put the line straight into the caliper or just remove the flexi line???


    Additionally the nuts on the lines are seized to the lines themselves. I've soaked them in penetrant but when you try and undo the nut from the flexi line the hardline rotates with the nut. Obviously I didn't keep turning it because the hardline was moving too so I downed tools and thought I'd ask some questions first!


    I'm pretty mechanically minded and now feel ashamed I need to ask :blush:


    Thank you


  7. Thanks folks its a valve body for a project I'm working on.


    If I can't get any the other option is to skim off the valve body and fit a spacer but I would rather just shim what I have.


    Sadly alu foil will compress too much under the clamp load.


    Thank you for looking at what you had but sadly the 0.65mm ill be a little too thin.

  8. Hmmmm maybe I just didn't go at it for long enough. I was getting annoyed because it didn;t look to be making any difference and after half an hour I sacked it off as a bad job......


    Might try it out when I have a free day again. I'll also try to think of some way to make it damp first as suggested.


    Thanks chaps.


  9. What, no pics of the clean '2? :teeth:


    Ha ha no he wested as soon as he had been cleaned :lol:


    Did you not fancy cleaning the skirts? :p


    Unfortunately its a mixture of chipped paint and white emulsion......I was following a lorry that was dropping paint a few years ago late one night and I didn't know :angry: . I've tried everything and it won't come off....... will be getting new side skirts soon, hence why I've never bothered getting them repainted....

  10. Hey folks,


    Hate to ask but I am at a loss.

    I need a piece of 3 thou (0.075mm) thick stainless steel. I need a piece about 6 - 8 inches long and 2-3 inches wide.


    However, I seem to have looked everywhere and can't get anything this small. Most places only seem to sell it in 3m or 5m rolls...... a little too much. I've had a look at work and the thinnest we have is 10 though which is way too thick for what I need to shim.


    Does anyone have a piece kicking about or know where I can get some? Willing to pay good money for it.


    Many thanks in advance,


  11. Thanks folks hadn't considered a fiesta or 106 I'll have a look.


    I reckon by getting a second car at worst case I'll be saving £70 a month :thumbs:

    Probably more when you include service costs of the Zed etc, tyre and brake wear, I can then just have the zed for weekends and trackdays which will hopefully make the insurance cheaper

    saving even more.


    Its crazy how running two cars can be cheaper than 1 :wacko:

  12. Well with petrol prices getting crazy and the fact I've started seeing someone who has a child I think I need a second car because there is no way I'm selling my zed! :boxing:


    Basically want something cheap to buy, cheap to run (i.e. diesel), falls into the bottom tax brackets so its like £30 for the year. Looking at around 2.5K.


    I have seen a few clio diesels 1.5L that seem to do 60 - 70 MPG. cheap tax and less than 2.5k.


    Are there any other options I am missing?




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