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Everything posted by SteveW

  1. Thanks 350Ad for reposting but the link just takes me to a search on Rays 18 then I get a list of near 8000 items? Is that right......I guess not....
  2. Again sorry if this is a dumbass question but I've read the my350z guide a few times and I'm still confused. To do this conversion do you need to get any other parts apart for dome D2R HID bulbs? I know it mentions you need "- OEM HID Ballasts, wires, and bulbs" Does that mean the ones already on the car or do you need to obtain the post 06 versions of these? Thank you
  3. Tips look a bit like Miltek or Cobra bit as already said more pictures required.
  4. So is that saying you can convert a pre 06 single xenon headlight to be a bi-xenon? Sorry if that's a dumbass question.....
  5. People taking up two spaces really winds me up unless the car park is empty but then what's the point. Just park a long way away. I know of people who have keyed cars they've seen hogging two spaces. I don't agree with actions of that sort in the slightest and think people who do that are scum.
  6. I think it's a common fault my heated seats are exactly the same. Low seems to do nothing, high they occasionally get warm then go cold been like it since I bought it. Think they are a bit pony or the stat is in the wrong place so switches off too soon.
  7. I've always preferred JB if I'm honest. When Lewis arrived in F1 he seemed like a nice guy but recently has got a chip on his shoulder and seems to expect a lot not earn it.
  8. Also a remap and a bit of extra boost will easily take you into the 600's. if you want even more a bigger turbo, injectors and remap will see 700+ would love a GT-R one day. Hope you enjoy it!
  9. Popcharger is an induction kit made by JWT
  10. My set up is OE cats, Stainless Y pipe, not sure what brand no markings, k1: With bungs last two trackdays were 93.7 and 94.1, no bungs has been 103Db and 103.9Db so you should be fine. However driving the coupe without bungs is simply headache inducing.
  11. Drop CS, Tarmac or Zmanalex a PM I'm pretty sure they all do them. (Apologies if I've missed anyone. Above names are in no particular order.) You Will get best price and they also support the forum so always best to use the traders here to keep the forum going.
  12. The best way is a slide hammer. Alternatively I have a tool I made out of a bit of 8mm rod. Basically bend a hook at one end then add a second 90 degree bend so you can pull hard. It's basically an L shape with a hook bent in at one end. Beware though the K1 is very loud when the bungs are removed!
  13. You can just about get away with the Tein springs and not need new camber arms because the drop isn't as much. I run the teins and the car just sits in the camber spec right at the top end. You don't need the camber arms if you don't mind running a lot of negative camber but that has some adverse effects.
  14. SteveW

    Carbon Hatch

    Really like that. Think it would look awesome painted to match the rest of the car or if the car had a full carbon top half.
  15. Did you bleed the system per the instructions in the service manual? Mine did this because I didn't bleed the system properly. However if not could be a stuck valve in the heater matrix maybe preventing the water getting into the heat exchanger or a blockage?
  16. Great videos, I was surprised to learn you shouldn't force the fluid back up into the master cylinder ....... Whoops
  17. Nightmare! Ok mate no worries.
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