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Everything posted by SteveW

  1. Yeah I know But you can't fit a dirty part all that extra weight lol I did have a few drinks last weekend that more effected the head than the arm though ......
  2. An afternoon in the garage with wire wool and a pot of meguiars. From this to this: Got all of it cleaned up apart from the bits on the X pipe before the flexes. Just waiting for the back box to come back from the welders now and hopefully get it on next weekend fingers crossed it clears the diff fins..... Could do with a rotary or DA because I'm pretty sure my arm is gonna fall off tomorrow.....
  3. Looks great it's amazing what a small extension can do to the OE bumper! Completely transforms it.
  4. Bloody hell! That's some serious weather looks like it could have seriously hurt someone caught in it!
  5. Thanks folks, it's been a big one but its been a good one. Last weekend the GF threw me a surprise 30th party that I knew nothing about it was a fantastic night. Then yesterday pre-ordered myself Black Ops 2 and went out for food with all the family last night. Indian GP this weekend, perfect!
  6. Mr Chesterfield thank you so much! That was exactly my problem, I'm glad there are some people who can look after me in my old age! Kudos to you sir! All working again,
  7. I've left it afew days before posting but sadly tapatalk still isn't working on the iPhone. I just get the plug in error message.
  8. Excellent, THANK YOU, I can now annoy the GF everywhere I go by constantly being on the forum
  9. Hi Folks, Apologies but I think I've found a problem with the mobile site. When on the mobile site if I look at threads where pictures have been added as attachments for example this one : http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/63774-fs-longlife-custom-dual-exhaust/#entry950602 When I click on any of the the pictures which aren't in the first post I get the error message "You do not have permission to view this attachment" however the three images in the first post work ok and open. I found another thread that was the same but can't find it now....basically pictures in the first thread opened but the others gave the same error message. It's a very odd one. This might be related to my "missing attachments" thread but not sure? Thanks Steve
  10. I think you are right Lexx because its all the threads that have attachments in, none of them open. Cheers Steve
  11. I also have the same problem. When I click the link I get the error "Sorry, you don't have the permission for that." Thanks Steve
  12. Hi Folks, I've just been PM'd about a guide I wrote how on how to fix the electric windows. Thread here>>http://www.350z-uk.c...ttachment-incl/ The attachment appears to no longer be in the thread, it was a PDF file due to its size. Can this be fixed? or does the new forum not allow attachments? The fuel gauge guide is also missing its attachment>>http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/54763-how-to-fix-the-inaccurate-fuel-gauge/ Thank you Steve
  13. Thanks Chesterfield . . . . . I was being an idiot . . . . . do'h! They were indeed videos and I was assuming they were pictures..... Yes the img tag pictures do work on the iphone, I looked in Octets Gearknob sale and all was well. Thanks for the support guys.
  14. One example of a thread is this one I am assuming that the OP hasn't deleted the pics. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/63774-fs-longlife-custom-dual-exhaust/ Oooo cool I'll check out the mobile theme thanks for the heads up.
  15. Hi folks, Fantastic work on the new forum and getting it up and running, you mods do some excellent work!! Just got a couple of questions about the new forum. 1) Will Tapatalk work with the new forum? I've tried it but I get an error saying the forum tapatalk plugin is inactive. Should I be using an alternative app now on the iPhone? 2) I've looked at a few posts where I knew there we pictures previously uploaded with img tags from photo bucket and these aren't visible on my iPhone (haven't checked on a computer) the posts just don't seem to have any pictures in them. does the forum still accept img tags via photo bucket or is it an incompatibility with Safari and the new forum? Thanks Steve
  16. Hi Mate, If your exhaust is still available for sale i'll take it. Been looking for something like this for a while. Can send the money over now. If its still available how would you like paying? Tried to PM you but your inbox is full Thank you Steve
  17. Canada is awesome had the pleasure of living in Whistler for a year in 06 and 07 Best year of my life without a doubt, love the west coast.
  18. Yes that's the only downside to the fitting of the ARBs that the exhaust has to come off I tried everything to avoid doing it but just couldn't get enough space. It's worth doing though as the OE exhaust will rot where the back box and mid-pipe meet so use it as an excuse to get a new one. Scorpion and Cobra both do good budget systems about £375 and £400-£425 respectively or there are more exotic systems for more than this. Avoid the eBay stuff as the fit is atrocious generally speaking.
  19. I'm running the exact same set up mate and these are well worth the money. Standard dampers Tein S Tech Springs Eibach ARBs Turn in improved massively when fitted and the car just generally feels so much more stable going around any corner. I'm running what is classed as the understeer set up so the least aggressive option but on track the fully stiff setting is amazing.
  20. Similar concept with turbos, some need a lot of balancing as a rotor system and as piece parts, others need virtually none. Wheels and tyres are the same, just depends how evenly distributed and central the tyre mass is. If no vibration then it must have been in the spec limits when the tyre was fitted
  21. Bloody hell! I hope that's it took 1.5 litres to top up and not 1.5 litres in it if not pretty sure engine will be damaged in some way. Oil starvation is not good for the bearings, timing chain, bores, crank pretty much everything... Hope all turns out ok Big question is what caused oil to be so low. Leak or is the car burning it?
  22. SteveW

    2012 Z Nationals USA

    Some lovely 240's in the top link. Some lovely ladies in the second
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