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Everything posted by SteveW

  1. Yes it should be fairly straight forward. Just take your time to get it spot on. As said either body tape or tiger seal on the centre section and then wheel arch bolts on ends. Get some big washers to spread the bolt load and don't over tighten them so the lip doesn't crack.
  2. Yes it's a custom one. It's Evilscorp's old one before he got the DC Sports system. I've been considering changing the K1 for ages but couldn't decide if I wanted a quieter exhaust and also didn't want to spend £400+to find out. However this came up a few months back at a price I was willing to take a punt on just needed some welding. One thing I have noticed is how much quieter I can have the stereo now and still be able to here it! Lol
  3. Agree SMD the rear plate border is too short and looks a tit! New one required.
  4. Thanks folks! No mate it's not a genuine CS rear, it's the RT-P copy but looks just the same and the fit is spot on. It was a PITA to fit , trying to slide the back box into two pipes and the rubber hangers simultaneously nearly pushed me over the edge lol. Yeah will get a vid up as soon as I get chance. It's so quiet compared to the k1 but then anything would be lol.
  5. Well a day spent on my back with lots of cursing in the cold has yielded the following: Before: After: Dirty!!! Beers, pizza and cookies tonight....think I've earned it. Hate playing with exhausts! Wish I had a pit or two post lift it would be ten times easier! It's definitely quieter than the K1 but I do miss the growl. Give it a few more weeks to see if I like it.
  6. Mine goes off all the time except wet weather. The TC has nearly led to a few accidents when pulling out at busy times into tight gaps. The rest of the time the TC is very good. At the end of the day like Doogyrev says drive like a tit, too quick for the conditions ANY car will eat you. RWD just needs more skill and respect when driving quickly in less than ideal conditions.
  7. Ill be interested to know how the carbon sills fit. Post us a review when they are on.
  8. Had a cracking day out even though it was chucking it down most of the time. Led to some interesting moments especially with the ESP off. Thanks fellas, just need some new rims now to get rid of the skinny look. Roll on bonus at work.....
  9. Well with all the rain around and being unable to wash, fix or do anything else to the cars the lads and myself went for a blast through the Peak District, back over the Woodhead pass and the stopped for a pub lunch. It was cold and wet but still a good laugh.
  10. I never moan about airport security either. It is a pain in the arse but a necessity. To be honest I think they should make the X Ray scanners mandatory, all that rubbish about an invasion of privacy or human rights is ridiculous!
  11. Quality, your car looks awesome mate, congratulations. Must say I really like the wheels and the little vents on the back of the wheel arches.
  12. Ewwww that front bumper! Has someone tried a Monaro look a like lol
  13. Found it http://www.350z-uk.com/index.php?/topic/58072-Who-says-zeds-aren't-practical?
  14. I posted one but couldn't find the thread......my own thread now that's poor! Only think I will say is take plenty of towels the interior plastic is made of cheese and scratches very easily!
  15. I managed to get a mountain bike inside mine. Had to take the wheels off it was a big squeeze!
  16. Agree mate. I rather be driving for Force India or Williams and allowed to race. He definitely hasn't been the same since the spring came off the Brawn and hit him.
  17. Ferrari have had Massa as their bitch for far too long if I'd been him I'd have left many years ago. There have been multiple instances of Massa being told to let Alcocko pass when he would clearly win the race. Alcocko gets all the upgrades and gets the majority of the help from the team. This kind of trick really doesn't surprise me just feel for Massa!
  18. If its not slipping I'd be inclined to leave it.
  19. K1 without bungs looks awesome. K1 with bungs looks a bit poor. K1 without bungs sounds awful. K1 with bungs sounds awesome. Agreed though on the coupe it's very droney over about 2.2k rpm but when you put your foot down it makes the drone all worthwhile. I've had my ESR one on for about 3 years and fit is perfect but just bought a true dual that I'm hoping will fit in with the Chargespeed rear end. We'll see when I get round to fitting it...... Bought it as I have got old and grown fed up of the drone.....
  20. My 04 UK DE also has them. They come on when you turn the rear heated screen on. Maybe someone has replaced the Wing mirror at some stage with one off a car that didn't have heated mirrors ?
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