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Everything posted by SteveW

  1. I get this after washing the car or heavy rain, the discs and pads corrode together. It only started happening since putting hi metal content pads on. One clunk and away
  2. Hi mate it was indeed me. Your car is looking sweet, love the canards. My car is a bit of a mish mash currently....18" rays on the front , 19" linea dynas on the back, oem front bumper, Chargespeed rear. Need to get it sorted lol. Must get the amuse front back on!
  3. Thus far I've removed the weight and added some 2p coins. Will try this next. Hey I could buy some new struts but free fixes are always preferred lol.
  4. I currently have 4 very large boxes sitting in my kitchen. Fantastic service from Mitz at Cougar Store can't recommend him enough. Great communication keeping me up to date, an absolute pleasure to deal with!!! They contain some nice shiny bits.... Thank you.
  5. Well it's complete apart from cutting the paint,we'll see how my attempt at lacquer blending turns out when it's cut it may need to go to a body shop to be repainted properly we'll see. Fibreglass stage was very easy Filling and sanding again easy but very time consuming! I need a new arm lol.
  6. Thanks mate, that's kinda what I figured. I'll do some more research on the sub forum.
  7. 2 areas done. Last one to go.
  8. Just wondering I was all set on a DA but I've been given some Argos vouchers and there is a Silverline Rotary polisher which I can get for £30 price is £45-£50 everywhere else. Figured it would also be a good buy for DIY projects also I.e sanding doors skirting a etc. Are they really as hard to use on cars as it suggests on google? Cheers Steve
  9. Filling complete and sanding started
  10. When I fitted my teins I hardly noticed a difference from stock over bumps but in the corners due to the being progressive they firm it up nicely.
  11. Fingers crossed it will be finished in time. When its fixed and back on I think will complement the parcels nicely
  12. Fibreglass repair now added, filler first thing tomorrow and then an afternoon of sanding and an evening of painting. Hopefully have it finished by Sunday.
  13. Very sad news, my thoughts go out to the family and all those who knew him.
  14. It's been spent grinding holes in my Amuse front end after a meeting with a kerb created lots of cracks back in December. Now ready for fibreglass on Friday night.
  15. I agree the 452's have been my limiting factor on track days. I can go faster but the tyres say no. Got some slicks for future use though so no longer an issue
  16. This looks good, I've never heard of this before I should join!!
  17. I fixed mine nearly 3 years ago now and still going strong. It's basically carbon dust that builds up in the contacts causing a short circuit and carbon dust causing the brushes to stick and lose contact with the shaft.
  18. Or fix it using my guide from the guides section. http://www.350z-uk.com/index.php?/topic/29731-How-to-fix-your-electric-windows---Attachment-Incl
  19. +1 Agree though I'm not a fan but each to their own or all our cars would look the same.
  20. Sounds good thanks for the info. I'll get some poorboys. If it smells as good as the black hole glaze
  21. Just wondering what wheel sealants people use and recommend? I've done some searches but 'Wheel Sealant' only returned threads about wheel refurbs and steering wheels lol. Looking on google I've seen some threads about nanolex alloy sealant, Gtechnic C5 wheel armour, poorbous wheel sealant and FK1000P. Thoughts, opinions and suggestions please. Thanks
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