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Everything posted by IanS16

  1. Yeah, I think it is Stew The fujitsubo exhausts are great, one of the higher quality exhausts out there, I've had 2 and although I've had no problems they are pretty quiet (which may be a good thing)
  2. I hate them, my gaffas 5 series has one and I puch prefer the traditional pedal of the Zed
  3. Pretty sure its when a car is running a little richer than stock. I think excess fuel hits the hot exhaust and explodes which is less muffled by an aftermarket exhaust, thus usually more noticeable. I live down a hill and if I put the car in second and let the cars weight pull itself down the hill without throttle it pops and bangs all the way down Personally I LOVE IT
  4. Could you ring the DVLA and say that you have noticed a mistake on the V5, ie. John Doe should be Steve Doe? (assuming the address etc is the same?) Pretty sure there was a mistake on one of mine and they amended it FOC and sent it back.
  5. may be worth sending a pm to nurrish as he deals with the cubby doors quite a bit. If not he will probably know where you can get one, just make sure you get the right colour as there is a light one and a dark one.
  6. There are some rare JDM cars that have an automatic electric cubby. By manual I mean spring loaded not electric
  7. I'd personally just buy a CF lip (the nissan one) I hit a fox once and I know exactly what you mean by concrete block
  8. Automated ones are really rare but you can get one with a manual mechanism quite easily
  9. Very nice looking Zed to the club
  10. Much better You decided to go with the nissan in the end then i take it?
  11. Me and Dave are going to give that a try, mine isnt stock but compared to Daves its stock enough
  12. Nah, just have better taste in cars..I do like the Rex but he bought the shite version
  13. Long Marston Airfield is a good place, its a massive place and there are even concrete bollards to drift around if you are feeling brave http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&sourc ... 2&t=h&z=19 I dont think they mind you playing around on the concrete but I've been kicked off the drag strip before
  14. Nice selection of cars I take it you are the more successful brother
  15. I love speed bumps, makes the Zed look like an old F1 car
  16. Just remembered this thread where someone is a coupe did exactly the same. There are loads of ideas in there you could try. Good luck viewtopic.php?f=9&t=18052&hilit=keys+locked+in+car
  17. You should get a netbook, its a lot easier to rotate
  18. If coops can't sort you out theres one here http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Nissan-350z-Carbo ... 2c52c4b59c I know its not a snob brand but as you are probably hacking it to bits I doubt it matters
  19. Looks like a tidy roadster The bump on the rear bootlid doesnt actually er.. bump (?) its just the squared angle where it goes from top to back
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