Yeah, I think it is Stew
The fujitsubo exhausts are great, one of the higher quality exhausts out there, I've had 2 and although I've had no problems they are pretty quiet (which may be a good thing)
Pretty sure its when a car is running a little richer than stock. I think excess fuel hits the hot exhaust and explodes which is less muffled by an aftermarket exhaust, thus usually more noticeable.
I live down a hill and if I put the car in second and let the cars weight pull itself down the hill without throttle it pops and bangs all the way down
Personally I LOVE IT
Could you ring the DVLA and say that you have noticed a mistake on the V5, ie. John Doe should be Steve Doe? (assuming the address etc is the same?)
Pretty sure there was a mistake on one of mine and they amended it FOC and sent it back.
may be worth sending a pm to nurrish as he deals with the cubby doors quite a bit. If not he will probably know where you can get one, just make sure you get the right colour as there is a light one and a dark one.
Long Marston Airfield is a good place, its a massive place and there are even concrete bollards to drift around if you are feeling brave ... 2&t=h&z=19
I dont think they mind you playing around on the concrete but I've been kicked off the drag strip before
Just remembered this thread where someone is a coupe did exactly the same.
There are loads of ideas in there you could try. Good luck
If coops can't sort you out theres one here ... 2c52c4b59c
I know its not a snob brand but as you are probably hacking it to bits I doubt it matters