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Everything posted by IanS16

  1. 1. Beavis 2. martinmac +1 3. AndySpak 4. Shire 5. Stanski 6. Little Miss 7. Squarehead 8. Maccaman 9. H5 10. flirt 11. Chesterfield + 1 12. M13KYF +1 13. IanS16 +1 14. Drewbie 15. nurrish 16. Chris`I +1
  2. Swap something instead. If nobody offers me anything worthwhile you can buy it then!
  3. I've got an idea (just for fun) http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/5167388.stm My red paperclip will be an OEM rear (lip type) spoiler.. who wants to swap? After 10 swaps I will sell the final item on ebay and donate half of it to the forum (I was going to say all but i'd be pretty gutted if I end up with a house)
  4. 1. Beavis 2. martinmac 3. AndySpak 4. Shire 5. Stanski 6. Little Miss 7. Squarehead 8. Maccaman 9. H5 10. flirt 11. Chesterfield 12. M13KYF 13. IanS16
  5. first mod i did was take the middle silencer off, at first i thought it would be pointless, but it knocked me back, takes a few weeks for the sound to settle, but it kept me smiling for ages, it will give you a touch more bass, nothing OTT, and will give you a satisfying high pitched note on high revs. trust me, give it a go and see for yourself. also, i have a video somewhere of my Z, got my lil sis to rev it the day i took the middlebox off & put a popcharger in, let me know if it will help and ill send it to you. Can you post it? I'd be quite interested in hearing it!
  6. I have a JDM satnav unit.. make me an offer
  7. The best was by far Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles "Heros in a half shell.. TURTLE POWER"
  8. Got my price down to £1945.71 (by choosing bodykit instead of Side Skirts, front bumper, rear bumper etc seperately) To pay monthly they wanted £300.19 deposit and 9x Monthly installments of £300.12 which totals to £3001.27 - over a grand more! Dont think i'll be doing this! Still really chuffed with their price though, even paying monthy it would be less than anyone else. I also gave them a call and the price was no different to the online quote. Sorry if everyone's getting bored - just thought i'd let you know!
  9. wow things have changed around here, Sarnie posting an offtopic icon... yes folks thats right SARNIE posted that... SARNIE... S-A-R-N-I-E .. not sarmie not barney but sarnie lol... since when has sarnie never gone off topic.. infact better still when has sarnie stayed on topic ha ha ha ha ha
  10. http://newtiburon.com/forums/showthread ... ight=lambo I usually think these Fiero things are a pile of.., but have a look at this one!
  11. Think i'm going to pay it in one go to be honest. Why? did they crucify you?
  12. Yeah, sorry.. meant to send a "thanks" PM. You really saved my Zed there!
  13. Are the disks different too or would they be a direct replacement? (with pads)
  14. Just to let you all know.. i've finally found the quote I wanted! www.bell.co.uk £2119 fully comp including third party on other vehicles and all mods (and import) declared! Thanks for your help everyone! Looks like I will be at a Zed run soon after all!
  15. I think my biggest problem is that i've only had my license a year and that its a JDM Zed. If you don't mind me asking - who do you use?
  16. It costs £150?? Much cheaper than a massive mdf spoiler and foxrace alloys! Add me! We doing a group buy?
  17. Wonder if it can be added by doing a US centre dials swap? Are US clocks in kmh or mph?
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