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Everything posted by IanS16

  1. A deeper sub will fit in place of the OEM one but the OEM amp wont power it properly. I think I used a 1000watt sub thought so maybe a lower power one will?!
  2. Yeah the code went in my company focus, take it back to the stealer you got it from and if they have failed to write the code in the book, they will give you a new code for free. That's if Beavis' file doesn't help
  3. erson.. cheers, knowing my new one is just round the corner is helping dcash5.. yeah im keeping it mate. Sorry. As i said though, if anyone wants any help in identifying a drive that would work, PM me. nick w.. cant get the disk out of the drive until i get my new Zed but i'll upload a copy somewhere when I can.
  4. That was taken in chester wasnt it?
  5. Oh cool.. thats sort of what i was after. The look a bit crap though. And yeah nixy, im a dirty smoker
  6. Bet you needed a fag after that (unless you actually managed to quit ) Well at least you didnt have the ECU done, could have been a waste of another 3k. Were you insured on the mods?
  7. Did your missus have an orgasm during the filming of that clip?? Is the navigation audio coming from the integrated speaker or your headunit? If not does it have an audio out to use on an aftermarket stereo? Look really good
  8. http://www.youtube.com/experiencewii Wont spoil it for you but its pretty cool!
  9. b&q - fit your own guttering I was thinking more along the lines of stealing some old asbestos ones out of a skip
  10. Thanks guys but i've already sent the pack to the insurance now! Will let you know what the second offer is!
  11. Did exactly the same thing.. only went in to have my camber sorted and ended up with a new alloy on the front, a pop charger, a new Y pipe, P1 service, and new disks and pads Great team at ESR though! Welcome to the forum!
  12. From what my old man keeps telling me, the only thing wrong with my Zed is the driver One thing that really does do my head in is that the rain pours in through the windows. Surely it would only take a little track to direct the rain up and over?
  13. The 02 was wrote off. Just waiting for payment to got through till I pick up the 03 Zed. Hopefully before the 5th!
  14. First car W reg peugeot 206 hdi 2.0 Second Car 02 JDM 350z Third car 03 JDM Zed Only had my licence 1 year & 2 months so I'm not doing too bad! The 206 was actually a pretty nice car! Did consider an Evo FQ300 but love the Zed too much!
  15. I used to have the tiptronic and it was pretty damn good! Especially for someone using the car every day throught town etc!
  16. Quite a few have tried but I'm not aware of anyone who's succeeded. I could be wrong though. You just have to replace the DVD drive. Did it on my JDM. Buttons are still in japanese but its not hard to use at all.
  17. How would you say the Fujitsubo does on the loudness scale.. pretty sure mine wasnt too bad at the last Wales run. That was before the Pop charger and Y pipe though! Went to see nemesis a few months ago and they said a new magnaflow was coming out with a cherrybomb before the Y pipe. May be worth a look?!
  18. I was going to ask whereabouts in Solihull you live but after telling me you like photos of knobs i'll give it a miss! It'd probably be okay but the pics didnt load!
  19. I dont know about the difference between wheel sizes and performance but the 18" rays are a hell of a lot lighter than the 17" JDMs! Then again, you can probably get some JDMs for under £50!
  20. Sorry to hear the bad news... Best wishes!
  21. Hey guys, Need a few price examples for a 2002 tiptronic JDM to bump insurance payout up for my Zed that was written off. Preferable GM with about 30-40k miles. Really hard to find early models, looked on autotrader and pistonheads etc. Anything over £10,000 as they are offering me £9,750 at the moment. Not asking you to search for me, just if you come across one please post a link. Thanks.
  22. Removed IanS16, Adriank + 1 put in that place 1. Beavis +1........................2 x carvery 2. martinmac +1 .................2 x carvery 3. AndySpak........................Too scared of the nerdy owners 4. Shire +1.......................... 5. Stanski +1 .....................1 x carvery 1 x veggie 6. Little Miss........................ 7. Squarehead+1................2 x carvery 8. Maccaman .....................1 x carvery 9. H5.................................. 10. flirt............................... 11. Chesterfield + 1............2 x carvery 12. M13KYF +1...................1 x carvery 1 x veggie 13. Adriank + 1................... 14. Drewbie........................2 x carvery 15. nurrish.........................2 x carvery 16. Chris`I +1................... 17. nixu +1....................... 18. xStric9x +1 (TBC)........ 19. jonb ...........................1 x carvery 20. RobD7 +1.................... 21. Stew +1 (TBC).............. 22. Lomoto .......................1 x carvery 23. Jotun +1 .....................2 x carvery 24. Rentech+1...................2 x carvery 25. ricardo........................2 x carvery 26. Neil + 1.......................2 x carvery 27. DaveJ +1.................... 2 x carvery 28. KO PWR +1................. 29. Darren-B....................2 x carvery 30. IanS16 +1................... Sorry Beavis.. buying a new Zed now.. just hope I have it by then
  23. Sorry guys, still havent got a replacement Zed yet. Really gutted, was awesome earlier this year! Got my heart set on a beautiful Zed though so hopefully it will work out and I'll see you at the one after!
  24. 1. Beavis +1........................2 x carvery 2. martinmac +1 .................2 x carvery 3. AndySpak........................Too Scared 4. Shire +1.......................... 5. Stanski +1 .....................1 x carvery 1 x veggie 6. Little Miss........................ 7. Squarehead+1................2 x carvery 8. Maccaman .....................1 x carvery 9. H5.................................. 10. flirt............................... 11. Chesterfield + 1............2 x carvery 12. M13KYF +1...................1 x carvery 1 x veggie 13. Drewbie........................ 14. nurrish......................... 15. Chris`I +1................... 16. nixu +1....................... 17. xStric9x +1 (TBC)........ 18. jonb ...........................1 x carvery 19. RobD7 +1.................... 20. Stew +1 (TBC).............. 21. Lomoto .......................1 x carvery 22. Jotun +1 .....................2 x carvery 23. Rentech+1...................2 x carvery 24. ricardo........................2 x carvery
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