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Everything posted by IanS16

  1. what does noobs stand for? In my opinion anyone who spends over 8 hours detailing a car and enjoys it needs help Newbie (also said as nooby or newby) is a slang term for a newcomer to online gaming or an Internet activity. It can also be used for any other activity in whose context a somewhat clueless newcomer could exist. It can have derogatory connotations, but is also often used for descriptive purposes only, without a value judgement. (from wikipedia) Its the sort of language people who play world of warcraft all day use!
  2. +1 my mates Civic Type R has the CAI in the wheel arch. He's sh*t scared of puddles
  3. I just had a read through the thread and to be fair it seems as though Paul had personal problems. I dont know how you were to know that Lexx but at the end of the day, he should have done the job right in the first place. If his problems were that bad he should have arranged for someone else to carry out the work. TBH they seem like a bunch of Wan*ers on DW and i absolutely hate it when people are branded as noobs because of their post count. Hope it all works out Lexx. Think the thread is locked now anyway.
  4. On that bombshell.. Could you re-mount your air con cooler to work with your intake? Please let this make me my millions!!
  5. Ok im no techie but isnt it due to the air density. Colder air = denser air = more oxygen Am i right??
  6. Dont drink Any how me Ian and Lexx are of to get 5 bargain buckets with my winning lotto, watch out girls, 3 flash gits sharing 5 buckets are coming your way
  7. Actually now that you've said that, my slip did used to come on more with the Rays that the 17" JDMs. I always just thought it was the tires. Probably a bit of both. Doesn't that mean it should always be on with the 20" rims as i doubt you can lose 3" of radius by changing the tire profile?? Can you?
  8. Where else are you meant to air your opinions??
  9. Dont want to go on but surely it's not worth re-using the same tires. If you have a blow out I'd imagine there would be a bit more damage than a dinged rim and sideskirt. (saying that though i'd probably do the same ) Good luck in getting your money back anyway mate!
  10. MMM 5x Bargain Buckets When you put it that way it sounds almost as good as the jackpot!!
  11. It's one of the reason's I'm here! +1. The banter is the main reason I've stuck around so long +2 I havent had a Zed for a few months and because of the banter i'm still on here every day! Maybe your wife did this.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCfu9lIzXd0 ?
  12. Mine was thrown out when it was lowered and i took it to about 3 different garages (inc. 4 wheel alignment places) and none of them could adjust it enough. Speak to phil (ESR), he sorted mine out. :thumb:
  13. Erm.. are you putting it into park if its a tiptronic and not Neutral? Just an idea.
  14. Or "Wonder what Im paying you for!?!" Not loving that one bro I'll try to improve my comedy going forward Really crap job.. you'd have been better taking it to some polish blokes at an abandoned petrol station for £7!
  15. hey guys.. worth asking as its £70 for a 5 hour journey via train! (only need one way) Will give petrol money!
  16. Maybe, we'll see in 5 years time!
  17. Standard bumper slightly modified. Uh oh.. so when I drive it through a window next i cant just buy another?? Only joking.. Will give it more love and attention than my Girlfriend Thanks for the comments everyone! So any takers on ESR saturday? Even better.. a free ride from Birmingham (train ticket is £70 for a 5hr journey )
  18. There we go.. still havent got the hang of images
  19. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=15912 img="http://i61.photobucket.com/albums/h57/bigphil_photos/IMG_1397.jpg" FINALY just signed a few documents so should pick her up on Saturday.. anyone else at Phils then? After being without for a few months I cant wait to get into a Zed again! Sorry.. Im just excited
  20. Quite a few FTO converts.. Hope you enjor your Zed! p.s.Anyone know how much commission martin is on at the minute?
  21. I'm thinking more and more that my car should be in our garage. Atm it lives on the drive as the garage is tight to get through the door due to the angle of attack and have always thought I'm more likely to do damage myself than someone else doing it. Things like this make you re-think that Plus if anybody ever wants to steal your car from your drive, your keys are probably going to be in your house. My moms next door neighbour was held at knife point for his M3 keys at 3am in the morning. At least if your car is in somewhere else the majority of people wont know it's yours! But hey, lets not get too paraniod
  22. Its scary that someone would do that to a car for no apparent reason.. Makes me want to find a lock up for my car!
  23. I actually quite like it Really make the car look a lot more aggressive!
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