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Everything posted by IanS16

  1. Some of his pictures are pictures of his car on a computer screen with a mobile phone!!! WTF!!!!! Then there is this guys ad : His whole ad consists of And 2 pictures of the car, one behind a tree plus endless other idiots.................... That interior is I've never before seen one that bad in a Zed! Not only that but as you said he's picked the paint off one side.
  2. IanS16


    18"? I think you can get them from the USA.
  3. Sounds like redundancy did you a favour? I guess so, may as well look at the whole thing positively. Just wish I'd driven one before and I could have got an Evo 9. Do we get any pics? After that Congrats on the purchase, I do have a soft spot for Evos!
  4. Oh, an I hope your dad gets better soon
  5. Had a long train journey to sunderland and i read half of The World according to Clarkson. Really quite funny. It's just a collection of 4 or 5 page articles from his column in the paper so you can just pick it up and put it down when you feel like it.
  6. Glad u keeping it!! I won't have my car untill a few weeks so if another one is planned in the midlands I'll be happy to attend!! (As long as united aren't playing!!) I was advised scorpion over the K1, loudness wise too lol The scorpion is louder than the K1? Wow.. i would like to hear that! Might have to drill a few holes in my airfilter so I can at least hear my car (only joking) Maybe we should start an official West Midlands meet thread. Any ideas from anyone else of where to meet??
  7. What about Midday Sunday? Nurrish.. aren't you the guy with the mini carputer? I'd be interested in seeing that! What about somewhere like Becketts Island, Wythall? http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&hl=en ... iwloc=addr Nice big car park and a farm shop for drinks/sandwiches.
  8. No definitely don't do it! I did it on my GM and it looked crap! I did have a crack head in Wolverhampton tell me he liked it because it looked supercharged
  9. Sorry about that.. did feel a bit bad about not staying to chat! Yeah loving it.. Loved your wheels lexx.. go really well with the white!
  10. No probs.. you don't know how hard it was to stop myself taking a photo of my car with fruit on the roof
  11. http://my350z.com/forum/lounge-off-topi ... uined.html Orange peel on a Zed (sorry, not a funny link) This was on a sprayed bumper though, not an original nissan paint job.
  12. Why has anybody asked her to model? Surely even she knows she's been beaten with the ugly err.. fish!
  13. Next big meet is Wales i think!?! We should arrange a Midlands mini meet!
  14. Sorry to everyone that was at ESR on Saturday for not being more sociable - was just desperate to try out my new toy! Also thanks to big phil - being messing him around quite a bit so thanks for being patient with me! Car is a dream - find a new little detail every time I get in it! Have already done 2 and a half tanks of petrol!
  15. F*** it then - looks like i'll have to keep my nine till five
  16. C'mon guys.. while we've got our thinking heads on. There's got to be a good way of doing this! Back on to the air con bit, it freezes something (rang big phil shitting myself thinking my car had a leak but it was the thawing air con) and I'm assuming the fans just blow the air through a 'frozen' pipe. (maybe not that simple but surely its something like that). Well can't you just put something like that on your induction pipe? Or maybe I'm just taking this too far?
  17. So if its the hydrogen, why not have hydrogen injection? Surely its the oxygen as well as it is a combustion engine?!
  18. Got back home at 7 and have been playing it since! Awesome game!
  19. pre release? Lucky git. Howd u manage that? Or shouldnt i ask
  20. Sorry couldnt resist..... Damn.. you got me
  21. Im not the sort of person to get exceited about xbox games but Gears 2 is out tomoz!! Woohoo. Anyone else getting it? My Gamertag is St0pDr0pNR0ll if anyone wants a game
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